Solidarité internationale et luttes sociales en Afrique subsaharienne |
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Dernière mise à jour : 1 April 2005 |
FMI et Banque mondiale Voir également : Ghana : Make Trade Work For The Poor: It’s A Right Zambie : Zambian children paying the price for IMF policies Zambie : IMF and World Bank accused of destroying Zambia’s economy République démocratique du Congo : La dette odieuse de la République démocratique du Congo Congo : Non-participation de la société civile dans l’élaboration de la stratégie de réduction de la pauvreté au Congo Malawi : World Bank pushes Malawi agriculture privatisation République démocratique du Congo : Congolese groups unite to demand scrutiny of forest policies Zambie : Les fonctionnaires zambiens pris par le col Zambie : A Zambian civil servant chafes at the collar Sénégal : Bâtir un autre Sénégal Site(s) web : 50 Years Is Enough Network : Bretton Woods Projet : Halifax Initiative :
Calls for Debt Cancellation Now Before Wolfowitz Assumes New Post Friday, April 1, 2005 (Washington, DC) - Africa Action today vehemently rejected the approval of Paul Wolfowitz as President of the World Bank, noting that his record as the chief architect of the war in Iraq - a monumental development disaster - is irreconcilable with the World Bank’s ostensible mission to fight poverty. Africa Action also reiterated its call for immediate 100% unconditional debt cancellation for all African nations, urging that this be realized at the World Bank spring meetings this month, before Wolfowitz assumes presidency. [Lire] - 1 April 2005 From Wolfensohn to Wolfowitch The Imperial Wolf Shows its Teeth Other members of the G8 along with the so-called “donors” might pretend to be scandalized at the selection, but the real scandal are the policies and practices of the World Bank/ Washington Consensus of which they too form a part. [Lire] Jubilee South - 18 mars 2005 Banque mondiale Victoire du boycott des ONG Après avoir subi un boycott de trois mois, la Société Financière Internationale (SFI), bras armé du Groupe Banque mondiale à destination des entreprises, a annoncé une révision importante de son processus de consultation sur ses normes environnementales et sociales. Elle a allongé la période de consultation de six mois et s’est engagée à publier davantage de documents de travail, comme le demandaient les Amis de la Terre et de nombreuses organisations en France et dans le monde. La proposition de fond de la SFI reste, elle, très problématique. [Lire] - 7 janvier 2005 African ngos boycott world bank meeting Today, organisations from across the African continent are boycotting a consultation meeting in Nairobi organized by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) of the World Bank Group. The organisations claim that the consultation is ill-prepared, rushed and untransparent, and will not provide a meaningful venue for input. Civil society demanded more time, more outreach, more translation, more information and more engagement, but did not get an adequate response. [Lire] Friends of the Earth International - 30 November 2004 Position Statement of African Civil Society Organisations for the IFC Safeguard Policy Review Consultation in Africa We, the undersigned African civil society organizations Working on and interested in extractive sector issues have decided not to officially participate in the IFC consultative process for Africa, held on November 29 and 30, 2004 in Nairobi, Kenya because of insufficient time and information on the process. [Lire] 30 November 2004 End 60 Years of Destruction IMF-World Bank out now ! Sixty years ago, delegates from governments of 45 countries met in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, USA, and laid out a blueprint for redesigning the world economy. For the first time, globally binding agreements and institutions were forged, supposedly in the spirit of international economic cooperation. [Lire] Jubilee South - 10 October 2004 Soixantième anniversaire de Bretton Woods Banque mondiale et FMI : l’obsession productiviste En matière de développement, la Banque mondiale est intervenue tout au long de son existence avec un fort contenu productiviste et a donné la priorité à l’exportation : révolution verte, grands barrages, grandes centrales thermiques, remplacement de cultures vivrières par des cultures d’exportation... [Lire] - 3 octobre 2004 Africa Action Protests 60th Anniversary of World Bank & IMF As the World Bank and IMF begin their annual Spring meetings in Washington, DC, Africa Action today co-sponsors an "Unhappy Birthday Party" to protest the harmful policies of these institutions, which mark their 60th anniversary this year. [Lire] - 21 April 2004 |
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