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Solidarité internationale et luttes sociales en Afrique subsaharienne |
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Dernière mise à jour : 4 mars 2005 |
Afrique australe
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Le ministre sud-africain du commerce a confirmé par lettre que les pays de la SACU (Southern African Customs Union : Afrique du Sud, Botswana, Namibie, Lesotho et Swaziland) ont rejeté la demande des pays de l’AELE (Suisse, Norvège, Islande et Liechtenstein) d’inclure des dispositions de propriété intellectuelle en matière de médicaments et d’agriculture dans l’accord de libre-échange en négociation. [Lire] - 4 mars 2005 Southern African countries have taken a firm stand against EFTA demands on Intellectual Property Rights in Free Trade Agreement A letter sent by South African Trade Minister Mandisi Mpahlwa to the Treatment Action Campaign in South Africa confirms, that the demand of EFTA Countries (Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) to include provisions on Intellectual Property Rights relating to medicines and agriculture in the Free Trade Agreement with SACU has been rejected. [Lire] - 4 March 2005 Les pays de l’AELE ne doivent pas compromettre la santé publique et la sécurité alimentaire en Afrique australe La Déclaration de Berne et 57 organisations demandent aux ministres du commerce et des affaires étrangères des pays de l’AELE (Suisse, Norvège, Islande et Liechtenstein) de renoncer à inclure des dispositions sur la propriété intellectuelle dans l’accord de libre-échange en négociation avec les pays d’Afrique Australe (SACU). Ces dispositions soutenues par le Conseil fédéral actuellement auraient des conséquences négatives durables sur la santé publique et la sécurité alimentaire en Afrique australe. Une attitude choquante dans la région la plus touchée au monde par le VIH/sida. [Lire] - 4 novembre 2004 EFTA countries shall not endanger public health and food security in Southern Africa Today 57 organizations sent a letter* to the trade and foreign ministers of EFTA member states (Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein), urging them not to include provisions that would restrict access to medicines and farmers rights in a free trade agreement under negotiation with the five countries of SACU (Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland). Both parties want to conclude the negotiations before the end of 2004. According to recent statements by Swiss officials, EFTA countries are pushing for stronger intellectual property rights on medicines and in agriculture in SACU countries. This move would have lasting and negative consequences on public health and food security in Southern Africa. [Lire] - 4 November 2004 Déclaration de la Campagne internationale pour les réparations et l’annulation de la dette de l’apartheid [Lire] Jubilee South Africa - janvier 2003 International Apartheid Debt and Reparations Campaign: Declaration South Africans living under Apartheid were subject to racially discriminatory laws governing every facet of their existence. These laws restricted where black South Africans were allowed to live and work and the types of jobs they could hold. Apartheid resulted in mass arrests, forced relocation, the loss of homes, farms and businesses, a lack of educational opportunity, poor housing and living conditions, unrelenting misery for many, and overwhelming injustices. Hundreds of thousands of black South Africans and others who chose to stand against injustice were victims of extra-judicial killings, torture, arbitrary detention and other state sponsored violence. [Lire] Jubilee South Africa - January 2003 IFI role in Southern Africa famine condemned A new study from Oxfam questions why, after years of World Bank and IMF-designed agricultural sector reforms, Malawi, Zambia, and Mozambique face chronic food insecurity. [Lire] - 17 September 2002 International Apartheid Debt and Reparations Campaign Reparations for victims of apartheid In 1997 the South African "Coalition against Apartheid Debt" in its submission to the "Truth and Reconciliation Commission" requested an investigation into the financing of apartheid by foreign banks. The Apartheid Debt & Reparations Campaign was then officially launched in Cape Town in November 1998 and has been running ever since, campaigning in various ways for the cancellation of illegitimate apartheid debt, the return of profits made from apartheid debt servicing, and compensation from businesses that profited from apartheid abuses. [Lire] 1998 |
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