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Solidarité internationale et luttes sociales en Afrique subsaharienne

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de Libération Afrique

Derniers articles :

34 year rule of absolution - - 12 April 2007
Sanctions campaign against the ruling regime in Swaziland - - 1 January 2007
Address to 6th General Congress of PUDEMO - - 1 January 2007
International community urged to impose sanctions on royal elite in Swaziland - - 23 June 2006
Swaziland border blockade - - 13 April 2006
Swaziland border posts to be blockaded - 4 April 2006
Picket of Swaziland consulate - - 15 February 2006
Persistent failure to call police to account - - 20 January 2006
Swaziland’s brutal regime condemned - - 27 August 2003
SFTU Report on the Swaziland Political Situation - - 27 August 1998

Voir également :

Afrique du Sud : Memorandum from the South African Progressive Forces for international solidarity
Afrique Australe : Nothing natural about Southern Africa food crisis

Site(s) web :

Swaziland Federation of Trade Unions (SFTU) :
Swaziland Newsletter :

Dernier(s) document(s) :

Swaziland: The Clock Is Ticking - Africa Briefing N°29, International Crisis Group - 14 July 2005 (PDF - 524.9 kb)
Building International Solidarity: African Asian Networking - Report on the Solidarity Workshop for African Garment workers held in Swaziland - 31 May 2005 (PDF - 6.7 Mb)

Statement on arrest of activists of the democratic movement

7 January 2006

The oppressive royal regime of Swaziland never stops to amaze us with its undemocratic antics and constant aversion to the real issues affecting Swaziland. The un-abated royal plunder of people’s resources continues unabated, and its imposed cultural hegemony through the undemocratic royal Tinkundla system prohibits political freedoms and bans political parties.

The regime is filling its filthy jails with political activists from the main liberation movement and its youth wing in Swaziland, the Peoples’ United Democratic Movement - PUDEMO.

Over the last years the King Mswati III’s autocracy has derided the liberation forces with constant harassment and arbitrary arrests on trumped up charges. Yesterday, the regime added to its litany of errors and terrible antics by the arrest of comrade I.B. Dlamini, the General Secretary of PUDEMO, who is currently kept at a place of torture, the detention station in Lavumisa, in the south of Swaziland.

All our comrades have been severely tortured since their round-up and arrest from the beginning of November 2005 on the trumped-up charges of high treason and sedition. We demand inspection by independent medical doctors to check on their condition. One of the accused comrade’s wife was also tortured to death this past Wednesday. The methods used are intended to force the comrades to admit to the charges so as to save their dear lives.

The people of Swaziland have a right to use whatever means necessary and possible to destroy their enemy and set themselves free. No restraint can be measured against a destructive autocracy bent on bringing the country to a complete crisis, and the only solace the people have is at any cost to charge against the evils of tyranny and royal slavery with all their might and power for their own freedom.

We pledge our unwavering support to the oppressed people of Swaziland in this dreadful hour and have confidence in their course to freedom and liberty.

We demand the release of our comrades with immediate effect and call on our government to stop this dangerous tendency and draw back from the road King Mswati III wants us to travel in Southern Africa. He must be stopped now before he plunges Swaziland into a full-scale war of retribution.

Swaziland deserves better than autocracy and the mistreatment of political activists and prisoners.

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