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Solidarité internationale et luttes sociales en Afrique subsaharienne

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Derniers articles :

Northern Ugandans feel shut out of recovery planning - - 24 September 2007
State Homophobia Threatens Health and Human Rights - - 23 August 2007
Adequate Penalties Needed Along With Trials - - 9 July 2007
“Wake up and Fight for your Rights!” Struggling for the Human Right to Adequate Food in Uganda - - 29 June 2007
Government Gunmen Storm High Court Again - - 5 March 2007
Les lesbiennes, les gays et les personnes bisexuelles et transgenres dans la ligne de mire - - 29 août 2006
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people targeted - - 29 August 2006
Amnesty International lance un appel en faveur d’une véritable alternative à l’impunité - - 4 août 2006
Amnesty International calls for an effective alternative to impunity - - 4 August 2006
No Amnesty for Atrocities - - 28 July 2006
Rate of death in northern Uganda is three times higher than Iraq - - 30 March 2006
Election Irregularities Require Judicial Probe - - 2 March 2006

Voir également :

Lutte contre l’impunité : Crimes sexuels : Briser le tabou, lutter contre l’impunité
Afrique de l’Est : Les défenseurs des droits humains créent un réseau de soutien à leurs collègues menacés
Afrique de l’Est : Human rights defenders form network of support for colleagues at risk
Soudan : Regional Government Pays Ugandan Rebels Not to Attack
République démocratique du Congo : Five million people face daily terror in Northern Uganda, DRC, Burundi: UN must act

Site(s) web :

Uganda Debt Network :
National Organisation of Trade Unions :
Uganda National NGO Forum :

Dernier(s) document(s) :

Ouganda : un gouvernement au service des employeurs - Un dossier du Monde Syndical - CISL - 19 August 2005 (PDF - 478.3 kb)
A Call for a Comprehensive Strategy to Combat Corruption in Uganda - Statement of members of Civil Society attending a Workshop on Transparency and Accountability Organised by Uganda Debt Network - September 2004 (PDF - 467 kb)

Uganda Social Forum Kicks off

18 September 2006

The 2nd Edition of the Uganda Social Forum kicked off today with three Caravans snaking into Kampala. The Social Forum on the theme of Building Uganda: Our Struggles, Our solutions is based on Caravans coming from the different parts of the country with distinct messages for Government, Development Agencies, World Bodies and the public at large denouncing social exclusion, injustices and inequality, announcing people’s alternatives, solutions and actions.

The first to arrive was a convoy of 5 buses from North Eastern and Eastern Uganda with a message of Peace and Co-existence between cattle keeping and cattle rustling communities from that part of the country. They converged in the eastern town of Mbale and staged a peaceful demonstration to deliver their messages and get more people on board.

The second to arrive was from Northern Uganda where Kony and his rebel group the Lords Resistance Amy have been raking havoc for the past 15 years but now with peace talks underway there is a ray of hope and optimism. The caravan is carrying a message of Peace and reconciliation which will climax in the celebration of the International Peace Day on 21st September at the Social Forum. The convoy stopped in Luweero district which was the area of similar suffering in the early 80s and where people said the still suffer from psycho-social trauma.

The last to arrive will be the Western Caravan which doesn’t arrive until 20th Sept. because they are still engaging the population from town to town in that region. The last we had from this convoy was that the region was being "set on fire".

Clearly the idea of convoys and the level of enthusiasm with which it has been received and executed has exceeded the expectations and imaginations of the organizers. We are expecting to be joined by participants from Tanzania, Kenya, as we discuss the regional dimensions of Peace.

Lastly one of the important events that will take place at the Social Forum will be the launching "Our Code of Honour", which is the NGO Quality Assurance Certification Mechanism by which NGOs have agreed to abide by in order to promote and protect their credibility and integrity. It will be launched in the full public eye by the Minister of Internal Affairs under which NGOs are registered.

More briefs will sent in the course of the week but if you need more information please contact Warren Nyamugasira or Deo Nyanzi at the Uganda National NGO Forum.

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