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Derniers articles :

NCOM Statement at Techere June 22nd, 2007 - 22 June 2007
EPA Days of Action Marked in Ghana - - 27 September 2006
CBA Expresses Concern Over 2006 Supplementary Budget - - 8 August 2006
Groups Call for Action on Cyanide Spills by Multinational Gold Mine in Ghana - 26 July 2006
Le personnel enseignant entame une grève illimitée - - 9 juin 2006
Campain to Stop The Violence in Mining - - 4 May 2006
Forced evictions in the Digya national park area must stop - - - 19 April 2006
Les expulsions forcées dans la région du parc national de Digya doivent cesser - - - 19 avril 2006
Greenpeace Co-Founder is a "Culprit of Of One-Sided Reporting" on Mining - - 21 February 2006
Government is Good at Intervening for Facilitation of Foreign Capital, but Weak in Regulating Interests of Domestic Capital - - 3 February 2006
World Bank Criticised Over Approval of Controversial Gold Mine in Ghana - - 2 February 2006
Field Officer Sheds More Light on Drowning in NEWMONT-created Dam - - 24 October 2005

Voir également :

Europe/ACP - Accords de Cotonou - APE : Pan African ’Stop EPA Peoples’ Forum’ in Accra
OGM : Contaminated U.S. Rice Must Be Recalled From Africa
Habitat : Forced evictions reach crisis levels
Habitat : Les expulsions forcées atteignent un niveau critique
Habitat : Les expulsions forcées : un scandale en termes de droits humains
Habitat : Forced evictions are a human rights scandal
Afrique de l’Ouest : New african gas pipeline worries civil society
Travail - Emploi - Syndicalisme : Déclaration commune du Congrès du travail du Nigeria (NLC), de la Confédération des syndicats sud-africains (COSATU) et du Congrès des syndicats du Ghana (TUC)
Travail - Emploi - Syndicalisme : Joint Statement on the Trade Union Situation in Africa issued at the end of a Tree-Nation Strategy by Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), Ghana Trade Union Congress (GTUC) and the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC)
Eau : The Accra Declaration on the Right to Water

Site(s) web :

Integrated Social Development Center (ISODEC) :
Ghana National Coalition against the Privatisation of Water - NCAP :
Friends of the Earth Ghana :
Ghana Trades Union Congress (TUC) :

Dernier(s) document(s) :

The Road to Hong Kong - Report of A 9-day tour of rural Ghana, to collate views of farmers and small-scale producers for input into government’s position for the W.T.O. Trade Ministerial Meeting in Hong Kong - December 2005 - by The Civil Society Coalition For Trade Justice and the Protection Of Livelihoods - 1 November 2005 (PDF - 4.8 Mb)
Report of the international Fact-Finding Mission on Water Sector Reform in Ghana - - 30 August 2002 (PDF - 417.6 kb)

"Pay Us Our Compensation"
Farmers from Awonsuono near Ntotroso demands of Newmont Ghana Gold Limited

2 November 2006

We, farmers of Awonsuono near Ntotroso in the Asutifi District of Brong-Ahafo Region of Ghana wish to use this occasion to request Newmont Ghana Gold Limited to pay compensation due to us for demolishing our houses, fish ponds and wells.

In 2004, Newmont Ghana Gold Limited entered into our community took over our farms and demolished our houses, fish ponds and wells to pave way for the creation of their Environmental Control Dam-2 (ECD-2). This sad incident took place without any advance notice from the company, and at a time when the company did not negotiate and pay compensation for the damage it caused to our property and for the displacement from our economic activities.

All of us in Awonsuono near Ntotroso depend on farming as our main source of employment and income for survival and the maintenance of our families. Sometime in 2004, Newmont Ghana Gold Limited entered into our community demarcated our buildings and later demolished them. Early in 2005, the company returned to the community demarcated our farms and asked us to stop farming as the area fell within their mine-take.

Following consultation and protests Newmont paid compensation for the farms but has since 2005 refused to pay compensation for the buildings, fish ponds and the wells, claiming that these were put up purposely to extract money as compensation.

The failure on the part of the company to pay compensation for our buildings, fish ponds and wells is negatively affecting our lives. In terms of housing, some of have been have been displaced from access to decent housing as they cannot afford to put up new houses nor rent them. The situation has escalated unemployment as the fish ponds which used to be a source of employment have all been destroyed without any compensation to establishing alternative fish-ponds. The unemployment situation is further compounded by the fact that the company has taken a large track of land about 3km2 as mine-take thus depriving people from access to farmlands. Those farmers who collected Bank loans for the management of their fish-ponds and wells are finding it extremely difficult to repay the loans. As a result some of them are facing court action.

We have made several reports through meetings with the company and government officials including the District Chief Executive of Asutifi Hon. Opoku Peprah and the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ), Asutifi District, but all efforts have proved futile. We are really dismayed that a company that claims to be socially responsible and sensitive to community concerns has for the past two years turned a blind eye towards the legitimate complaints of local communities.

In the mist of these unresolved problems, Newmont Ghana Gold Limited is making preparation towards inaugurating the project around the middle of November. We would not be surprised to see the government officials who turned blind eyes to our plight on the high table with Newmont extolling all the virtues of the company.

In the spirit of peace, unity and trust, we believe that it is not too late on the part of government officials and Newmont Ghana Gold Limited to revisit our complaints. To this end we call on the government officials and Newmont Ghana Gold Limited to:
- Pay compensation for our buildings, fish-ponds and wells.
- Resolve some of the issues and perceptions that create hostile relationship between the company and members of the community.
- Effecting and promoting the company’s social responsibility in area.

Issued at a press conference on November 2nd, 2006 in Kumasi organised by Group for Livelihood and Environment (GLE) a community based group operating in Kenyasi, Brong-Ahafo Region of Ghana

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