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Afrique du Sud

Congress of South African Trade Unions - COSATU

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Derniers articles :

New GM Experiments in South Africa - - July 2007
Public Service Union Statement - - 28 June 2007
COSATU statement on ANC Conference - - 27 June 2007
Declaration of the Civil Society Jobs and Poverty Conference - 19 June 2007
COSATU statement on yesterday’s action - - 14 June 2007
Memorandum on Public Service Dispute - - 13 June 2007
COSATU CEC statement - - 7 June 2007
Statement by all public sector unions - - 1 June 2007
Statement on the SACP-COSATU bilateral meeting held on 27-28 March 2007 - - 29 March 2007
Alternative accommodation ordered for residents of “bad” buildings in the Johannesburg inner city - - 26 March 2007
COSATU CEC statement - - 1 March 2007
Peoples Budget Coalition’s response to the Minister of Finance’s Budget Speech - - - 21 February 2007

Voir également :

OMC - AGOA - Commerce international : WTO talks collapse
OGM : No Gateway to Africa’s Sorghum
Swaziland : Swaziland border blockade
OMC - AGOA - Commerce international : Campaign in opposition to a proposed agreement on Non-Agricultural Market Access (NAMA)
Habitat : A Joint Appeal to African Ministers on urban housing
Afrique Australe : Les San en appellent au gouvernement suisse
Travail - Emploi - Syndicalisme : Déclaration commune du Congrès du travail du Nigeria (NLC), de la Confédération des syndicats sud-africains (COSATU) et du Congrès des syndicats du Ghana (TUC)
Travail - Emploi - Syndicalisme : Joint Statement on the Trade Union Situation in Africa issued at the end of a Tree-Nation Strategy by Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), Ghana Trade Union Congress (GTUC) and the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC)

Site(s) web :

Alternative Information and Development Centre (AIDC) :
Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) :
Anti -privatisation forum :
IndyMedia-South Africa :
South African National NGO Coalition (SANGOCO) :
Women’sNet :
Earth Life Africa :
National Union of Mineworkers :
South African Democratic Teachers’ Union (SADTU) :
Treatment Action Campaign :
National Labour and Economic Development Institute (NALLEDI) :
National Council of Trade Unions :
Centre for Civil Society :
Khanya College - Education for Liberation :
AIDS Consortium :
Lesbian and Gay Equality Project :
Zabalaza - Southern African Anarchism :
Groundwork - Environmental Justice Group :
Biowatch South Africa :
Amandla - A Plural Platform of a Thinking Left :

Dernier(s) document(s) :

Unprotected Migrants in South Africa - A report by Human Rights Watch - 28 February 2007 (PDF - 1.1 Mb)
Spend more, spend better and on the right programmes - By People’s Budget Coalition - 20 February 2007 (PDF - 639.2 kb)
Apartheid grand corruption - Assessing the scale of crimes of profit from 1976 to 1994 - A report prepared by civil society in terms of a resolution of the Second National Anti-Corruption Summit for presentation at the National Anti-Corruption Forum, May 2006 - 5 June 2006 (PDF - 317.5 kb)
People’s Budget Response to the 2005 Medium Term Budget Policy Statement - by People’s Budget Campaign (SANGOCO, COSATU, SACC) - 2 November 2005 (Word - 403 kb)
‘Nothing for Mahala’ - The forced installation of prepaid water meters in Stretford, Extension 4, Orange Farm, Johannesburg, South Africa - by The Coalition Against Water Privatisation (South Africa), the Anti-Privatisation Forum (South Africa) and Public Citizen (USA) - 15 April 2004 (PDF - 312.1 kb)
South Africa’s Official Position and Role in Promoting the World Trade Organisation - by Dot Keet,AIDC - 1 May 2002 (PDF - 787.5 kb)

COSATU North West condemns casualisation and victimisation of workers by municipalities and districts

13 March 2007

The Congress of South African Trade Union condemns the conduct of municipalities and districts in the North West province who are continuing to victimise and dismiss all workers who have been used as casuals for more than three years and to implement their capitalist programme of privatising and outsourcing our jobs.

Both municipalities and private security companies in the North West province are pushing an anti-socialist agenda in the interests of the petty bourgeoisie, which is moving towards weakening the trade unions and the working class.

COSATU North West supported the provincial march of the municipal union (SAMWU), on 9th March 2007 to the SALGA North West Conference in Vryburg. The speaker from SALGA, who happened to be elected as Deputy Provincial Chairperson, made a commitment to SAMWU members and the people of North West that all the demands presented to SALGA will be addressed within fourteen days.

The demands include among other things:
- Stop privatisation in the entire province,
- End casualisation
- Create quality and sustainable jobs now, including the permanent employment of all people who have been used as casuals by municipalities.

COSATU North West province also strongly condemns the provincial government departments that awarded tenders to a security company which is now victimising our members and threatening them not to join COSATU unions.

We call upon all employers in the North West, including government and senior politicians, to stop trying to order our members to join trade unions, which management prefers, especially unions that are not affiliated to COSATU. This must be stopped now. Workers have a right to join union of their choice

Secondly we call upon the Department of Labour, jointly with COSATU through a partnership agreement, to visit the houses of MECs, other serving government officials and those who own security companies during working hours to investigate whether their domestic workers are registered in accordance with the sectoral determination.

Our view is that government should play a major role in encouraging the enforcement of all labour legislation, and not promote anti-trade unionism for their personal gains.

The arrogance of some individual municipalities and senior leaders in government is uncalled for. There are still municipalities and provincial government who are unable to produce skill plans, an EEA plan, or an Occupational Health and Safety Plan or Policy.

Once again our members are advised not to be victimised by anybody, and to make sure that they belong to the federation or trade union of their choice.

For more information please contact: Solly Nani Phetoe, COSATU North West Provincial Secretary on 018 462 2406 or 082 304 4055

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