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Derniers articles :

Le climat de peur perdure malgré la signature d’un protocole d’accord - - 25 juillet 2008
Climate of fear in Zimbabwe persists despite deal - - 25 July 2008
The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) position on the current political stalemate in Zimbabwe - - 16 July 2008
Joint statement on Zimbabwe - 3 July 2008
COSATU demands a democratic solution to Zimbabwe crisis - - 2 July 2008
Le bateau et son chargement d’armes « retournent à la maison » - - 24 avril 2008
No arms to Zimbabwe - - 22 April 2008
Post-election violence increases in Zimbabwe - - 21 April 2008
ZANU-PF Sets Up ‘Torture Camps’ - - 19 April 2008
Les violences liées aux élections s’intensifient au Zimbabwe - - 18 avril 2008
EU renew restrictive measures on Zimbabwe as pre-election violence increases - - 20 February 2008
La police zimbabwéenne agresse et arrête des manifestants de l’opposition - - 24 janvier 2008

Voir également :

Afrique Australe : Memorandum to SADC Summit on Zimbabwe and Swaziland
Afrique du Sud : COSATU calls for international boycott of Zimbabwe arms ship
Afrique du Sud : Memorandum from the South African Progressive Forces for international solidarity
Habitat : Forced evictions reach crisis levels
Habitat : Les expulsions forcées atteignent un niveau critique
Afrique du Sud : Zimbabwean Migrants Vulnerable to Abuse
Habitat : A Joint Appeal to African Ministers on urban housing
Droits Humains - Démocratie : L’Union africaine doit se prononcer sur les graves violations des droits de l’Homme perpétrées sur le continent et exhorter les Etats à lutter contre leur impunité
Droits Humains - Démocratie : The African Union must speak out regarding the grave violations of human rights perpetuated on the Continent and must exhort the States to fight against impunity for these violations
Afrique Australe : Nothing natural about Southern Africa food crisis
Habitat : Les expulsions forcées : un scandale en termes de droits humains
Habitat : Forced evictions are a human rights scandal

Site(s) web :

Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) :
Kubatana - Zimbabwean Online Activist Community : :
Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development (Zimcodd) :
Zimbabwe Social Forum :
Zimbabwe National Students Union (ZINASU) :
Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition :
Women of Zimbabwe Arise! :

Dernier(s) document(s) :

The impact of "operation Murambatsuina / Restore Order” in Zimbabwe - A report by ActionAid International Southern African Partnership Programme - Zimbabwe - 27 August 2005 (PDF - 736.9 kb)
2004 Zimbabwe Social Forum report - - 1 December 2004 (PDF - 593.7 kb)
Onslaught against Human Rights dDefenders in Zimbabwe in 2002 - A report by Zimrights, in cooperation with the observatory for the protection of Human Rights Defenders. A joint program of the FIDH and the OMCT - février 2003 - February 2003 (PDF - 390.2 kb)

Freezing of Wages and Salaries not the Panacea to Zimbabwe’s Problems

1 August 2008

We note with concern, suggestions by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Governor Dr Gideon Gono to freeze salaries and wages for workers for a period of six months in order to curb inflation.

The suggestions, which were published in today’s The Herald newspaper come at a time when the nation is going through an economic paralysis conundrum which he has dismally failed to address.

In his mid term monetary policy statement on Wednesday, Dr Gono failed to deal with the fundamental issues key to addressing the country’s economic malaise, only to dwell on removing zeros, ten for that matter, and re-introducing coins as part of his currency reform.

The governor is very much aware that freezing salaries has nothing to do with the spiraling inflations. He is also aware that productivity can only be matched with proper remuneration, which is a living wage for Zimbabwe’s workers.

Currently, just over 20 percent of the country’s employable majority is employed in the country’s ever dwindling production sector. Instead of addressing productivity issues, it is not fair for the governor to talk about the freezing of salaries.

Every worker has a right to a living wage. Currently the Poverty Datum Line (PDL) is pegged at more than $1400 (reviewd), an amount which very few workers are getting as a salary. How can salaries and wages be frozen when they are well below the cost of living?

Dr Gono is a dreamer and has always been a dreamer and he should wake up from the dream. He used to claim that ‘failure was not an option” and celebrated what he though was his success, leaving out other stakeholders, but now that he has been proved that ‘failure is an option’, he is trying to look-up to workers to help him out of the mess he has created.

As for the social contract, Dr Gono needs to be reminded that there has been no social contract and that there shall be no social contract under the current economic conditions.

Our demand has always been that workers should be given PDL linked wages, which take into cognizance the current prices.

If the RBZ governor insists on freezing wages, workers are prepared to go and camp at the RBZ office, even if it means taking over the RBZ.

W. Chibebe, Secretary-General, 01 August 2008

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