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Solidarité internationale et luttes sociales en Afrique subsaharienne

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lettre d'information
de Libération Afrique

Derniers articles :

Swazi Regime Starts to Unravel: The Democratic Movement Gathers Pace! - - 27 June 2011
Swazi Trade Unions Call for Global Solidarity Conférence During the International Labour Conference in Geneva - 20 May 2011
SDC Press Statement on Swaziland May Day - - 5 May 2011
Stop the Repression ; clampdown no solution says ACTSA - - 14 avril 2011
Statement by ITUC-Africa on the current situation in Swaziland - - 12 April 2011
SDC congratulates courageous Swazis - - 18 March 2011
SNUS’s statement on tomorrow’s uprising - - 16 March 2011
Swaziland Natinal Union of Students (SNUS) statement on 20th black Wednesday - - 14 November 2010
The ILO attacks the lack of rights in Swaziland - - 26 June 2009
Cosatu salutes people of Swaziland on today’s successful mass action - - 16 April 2009
International action for democracy for Swaziland - - 2 September 2008
Cosatu statement on police raid and arrest of Jan Sithole - - 21 August 2008

Voir également :

Afrique Australe : COSATU calls on SADC leaders to act now in defence of democracy in Southern Africa
Travail - Emploi - Syndicalisme : Afrique : insécurité, troubles politiques et conflits armés à l’origine de violations des droits syndicaux
Travail - Emploi - Syndicalisme : Africa: Insecurity, political unrest and armed conflict at the root of trade union rights violations
Afrique Australe : Memorandum to SADC Summit on Zimbabwe and Swaziland
Afrique du Sud : Memorandum from the South African Progressive Forces for international solidarity
Afrique Australe : Nothing natural about Southern Africa food crisis

Site(s) web :

Swaziland Newsletter :
Swaziland Democracy Campaign :
Swaziland Natinal Union of Students (SNUS) :
Swazi Media Commentary :

Dernier(s) document(s) :

Swaziland: The Clock Is Ticking - Africa Briefing N°29, International Crisis Group - 14 July 2005 (PDF - 524.9 kb)
Building International Solidarity: African Asian Networking - Report on the Solidarity Workshop for African Garment workers held in Swaziland - 31 May 2005 (PDF - 6.7 Mb)

Swaziland Democracy Campaign
A Joint Swaziland-South Africa Campaign for Democracy in Swaziland

10 February 2010

We the undersigned wish to publicly endorse this founding declaration of the Swaziland Democracy Campaign because we continue to be deeply concerned about the worsening humanitarian, political,economic and social crisis in Swaziland. The inactivity and silence of our leaders in South Africa, in the SADC and across the Continent and beyond on the crisis in Swaziland must change. Their silence is protecting this most undemocratic regime. It is time to speak out. The people of Swaziland need our support.

The people of Swaziland live under conditions of extreme political repression. Political activity is banned and the most basic of rights are denied. Arbitrary arrests and imprisonment, beatings, torture, disappearances and even murders, are part of the fabric of the repressive methods of the regime. In an attempt to justify their rule, traditional Swazi culture has been stolen by the Royal Elite from the people, and is used to instill fear and submission. Terrifying levels of unemployment, poverty and hunger are present everywhere and are compounded by alarming rates of HIV and diseases associated with poverty.

Since 1973, the Swazi Monarchy has the dubious honour of maintaining the longest state of emergency anywhere on the continent. It has literally turned the country into an open-air prison controlled by a series of draconian laws.Every sphere of life in society has become militarised. The notorious Suppression of Terrorism Act is but the latest indication that repression is to be extended. Despite these conditions, within Swaziland there are many people of courage and dignity who are prepared to make common cause in their communities, their workplaces, their schools and colleges, and in their places of worship. They are prepared to unite and challenge the repression and the wastefulness of the royal elite.They are prepared to make sacrifices for the country they love, and it is to these brave and honourable people that we must reach out to. We believe there must be no ambiguity about our moral duty to support those who are oppressed to resist and struggle for liberation, justice and democracy.

We therefore hope this declaration is a first step in breaking through the wall of silence and complacency that helps perpetuate the myth that Swaziland is a caring society ruled by a benevolent royal family. We seek to give voice to ordinary Swazi people and their quest for human dignity, democracy and freedom.

The Basis of the Swaziland Democracy Campaign

We firmly believe that Swaziland will remain poverty ridden and subject to dictatorial rule as long as political, economic, religious, cultural and social life is controlled by the ruling Royal Elite. We believe that the methods used by this elite to subjugate the Swazi people, including arbitrary arrests and detentions, complete disregard of basic human and civil rights, the banning of political parties and political activity and the Suppression of Terrorism Act completely contradict the norms established by the AU, SADC, the EU and the UN. All of these organisations should be ashamed of the shocking double standards they employ in relation to Swaziland. We believe that only a democratic Swaziland, where all women and men are treated equally, and where the leadership is elected and held accountable to those who elect them, can free itself of years of poverty, corruption and under-development.

We therefore call upon the AU, SADC, EU, UN and all constituent parts,to begin to put in place measures, including boycotts, that will outlaw and stop the abuses of power in Swaziland. Measures that will isolate the current regime, and give support and encouragement to democratic forces campaigning to establish a Democratic Swaziland. Given its geographic and economic ties, we intend to campaign vigorously for a leading role by the South African Government for action against the regime. We call upon all decent women and men, from across society, nationally and internationally, to align themselves with this declaration, to support and become involved in the launch of a broad based, non-sectarian, transparent and accountable Swaziland Democracy Campaign.

We call upon Trades Unions, Faith-Based Organizations, Social Movements,NGO’s, political and solidarity organisations, progressive business interests, to work together with our comrades, sisters, brothers and neighbours in Swaziland to help bring about peace and security in Swaziland. We ask that they participate in developing a concrete Plan of Action to give active meaning to our campaign. Let this be a new beginning.

As a vital first step, we urge all those who wish to see an end to dictatorial rule in Swaziland to sign this Declaration and to work together in the campaign.

Sign the Declaration

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