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Solidarité internationale et luttes sociales en Afrique subsaharienne

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Derniers articles :

ITUC-Africa Solidarity message to Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Union (ZCTU) - - 10 April 2015
Civil society joint statement on corruption, obscene salaries and other underhand dealings in the local government and public sector - 13 March 2014
Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition (CIZC) Statement on the arrest of CHRA, CHITREST, CCDZ and ZINASU leaders - - 29 January 2014
Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition (CiZC) Statement on Demolitions of Illegal Structures - - 11 November 2013
ITUC-Africa condemns police’s attack on striking Hwange Colliery mine workers’ wives - - 17 October 2013
ZCTU statement on Zimbabwe elections - - 6 August 2013
CSO’s Joint statement on the criminalization of CSO’s and their work in Zimbabwe - 18 January 2013
Your sanctions are being removed ; Now remove the sanctions on US - - 24 July 2012
The coalition government of Zimbabwe must urgently institute reforms and ensure human rights respect - 16 August 2011
Zimbabwe Civil Society Position Paper to SADC on the Elections Roadmap - 15 August 2011
Failure to suspend Zimbabwe from blood diamond scheme undermines efforts to end abuses and clean up international trade - 6 November 2009
Stakeholders Call for an Official Audit of Zimbabwe’s External Debt - - 1 July 2009

Voir également :

Agriculture - Accès à la terre - Souveraineté alimentaire - Accaparement des terres : La Via Campesina International passe le flambeau à l’Afrique
Afrique Australe : COSATU calls on SADC leaders to act now in defence of democracy in Southern Africa
Multinationales - Pillage des ressources : Civil Society Groups warn effectiveness of Kimberley Process compromised
Travail - Emploi - Syndicalisme : Afrique : insécurité, troubles politiques et conflits armés à l’origine de violations des droits syndicaux
Travail - Emploi - Syndicalisme : Africa: Insecurity, political unrest and armed conflict at the root of trade union rights violations
Afrique du Sud : End Strain on Asylum System and Protect Zimbabweans
Afrique Australe : Memorandum to SADC Summit on Zimbabwe and Swaziland
Afrique du Sud : COSATU calls for international boycott of Zimbabwe arms ship
Afrique du Sud : Memorandum from the South African Progressive Forces for international solidarity
Habitat : Forced evictions reach crisis levels
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Afrique du Sud : Zimbabwean Migrants Vulnerable to Abuse
Habitat : A Joint Appeal to African Ministers on urban housing
Droits Humains - Démocratie : L’Union africaine doit se prononcer sur les graves violations des droits de l’Homme perpétrées sur le continent et exhorter les Etats à lutter contre leur impunité
Droits Humains - Démocratie : The African Union must speak out regarding the grave violations of human rights perpetuated on the Continent and must exhort the States to fight against impunity for these violations

Site(s) web :

Kubatana - Zimbabwean Online Activist Community : :
Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development (Zimcodd) :
Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition :
Women of Zimbabwe Arise! :

Dernier(s) document(s) :

Diamonds in the Rough - Human Rights Abuses in the Marange Diamond Fields of Zimbabwe - By Human Rights Watch - 26 June 2009 (PDF - 591.5 kb)
“They Beat Me like a Dog”: Political Persecution of Opposition Activists and Supporters in Zimbabwe - By Human Rights Watch - 12 August 2008 (PDF - 286.6 kb)
The impact of "operation Murambatsuina / Restore Order” in Zimbabwe - A report by ActionAid International Southern African Partnership Programme - Zimbabwe - 27 August 2005 (PDF - 736.9 kb)
2004 Zimbabwe Social Forum report - - 1 December 2004 (PDF - 593.7 kb)
Onslaught against Human Rights dDefenders in Zimbabwe in 2002 - A report by Zimrights, in cooperation with the observatory for the protection of Human Rights Defenders. A joint program of the FIDH and the OMCT - février 2003 - February 2003 (PDF - 390.2 kb)

Statement to the SADC TROIKA Organ on Politics, Defense and Security
Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition commends SADC’s commitment towards addressing the current deadlock in the Zimbabwean constitution making process

7 September 2012

Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition hails the proposed timely intervention by SADC leaders to ensure a free and fair election in Zimbabwe. This follows the SADC Troika Organ on Politics, Defence and Security resolution to take a hands-on approach to the Zimbabwean crisis by convening a special summit on the 7-8th of October 2012, to discuss and address the ’deadlocked’ constitution making process, which arose following the three political parties dispute over the contents of the draft constitution.

Article VI of the Global Political Agreement, provides for the draft constitution to be referred to a Second All Stakeholders Conference en route to the Referendum, but now that a deadlock has been announced, it is the most appropriate time for the regional body to step in as guarantors to the GPA and ensure that the correct processes take place. ZANU-PF has said a deadlock would mean the dissolution of the inclusive government followed by a call for immediate elections, a charge which is in clear violation of Article VI of the GPA. This has resulted in fears that Zimbabwe may be forced to go for national elections under the old Lancaster House constitution and under conditions of wide-spread violence similar to the 2008 violent elections. Although it is no guarantee that the much awaited constitution will ensure the holding of a peaceful free and fair election in Zimbabwe, it can however be used as a yard stick to display political party commitments to ensuring a smooth transition in Zimbabwe.

The constitution deadlock comes at a time when there is a feeling that this is yet again one of SADC’s most challenging political hours in their long track towards restoring Zimbabwe’s political and socio-economic situation. It is indeed a litmus test of SADC leaders’ commitment to the process of ensuring a free and fair election in Zimbabwe especially as agreed to by the parties GPA. Crisis Coalition is also hopeful that the SADC Troika will be able to strike a breakthrough and help the GPA partners bridge their differences.

At the SADC Summit held in August 2012 in Maputo, Mozambique, the Troika encouraged the parties to continue working together in creating a good political atmosphere for elections. SADC leaders were emphatic that they do not want a repeat of 2008 and the constitution-making process is a major yardstick in this regard, noting that, "If they are any difficulties with regard to the constitution making process and implementation of agreements, the facilitator is called upon to engage with the parties and assist them resolve such issues, bearing in mind the timeframes and the necessity to hold free and fair elections."

The Coalition herewith urges SADC to:

- Maintain pressure on backtracking political parties to honor their commitment to completing the processes that will pave way for peaceful, free and fair elections.

- Urge political parties to stop being obstinate, and submit reservations they may have on the draft to the Second All Stakeholders’ Conference as the process demands, or have their say at the referendum.

- Encourage the parties to take the COPAC draft constitution to a second all-stakeholders convention and thereafter to a referendum.

- Urge political parties to respect that the authority on the constitution making process is COPAC and not any one single party in the inclusive government, while realizing that a peaceful and credible constitutional referendum would represent an important milestone in the preparation of democratic elections.

- Encourage parties to the GPA to focus on full implementation of the agreement in order to achieve the desired end of a credible electoral process whose outcome and legitimacy will be respected.

Crisis Coalition also demands that SADC-appointed representatives to the Joint Monitoring and Implementation Committee (JOMIC) urgently monitor and encourage progress towards transparent, free and fair elections in Zimbabwe.

Contact Persons:
- Thabani Nyoni, Spokesperson, Mobile: +263 772 779 880 /+263 712 642 932, email: [email protected]
- McDonald Lewanika, Director, Mobile: +263 772913 418, email: [email protected]

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