lib	ration afrique
Solidarité internationale et luttes sociales en Afrique subsaharienne

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Dernière mise à jour : 4 August 2007


Voir également :

République démocratique du Congo : Des munitions provenant de Grèce, de Chine, de Russie et des États-Unis sont découvertes aux mains de rebelles en RDC

May 15-17, 2007 - Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
China’s New Role in Africa and the South: A Search for a New Perspective
China-focused African campaigners, Chinese African Studies academic specialists, NGO representatives, concerned researchers and campaigners from within and outside China came face to face in China to discuss and analyze the country’s new role in the South and the global system, with Africa as a focus of study. It was successful for it provided a good starting point for the participants to think about Africa - China relations with a more nuanced and broader perspective, as well as, identify possibilities for future collaborative work. [Lire]
- - 4 August 2007

A lire sur le web...

China as 'Partner' or Neo-Colonial Opérator in Africa? - 19 May 2007 - By Dot Keet - Paper prepared for an Africa-Chinese civil society meeting in Shanghai, parallel to the meeting of the African Development Bank (AfDB) in Shanghai, May 2007. - Source : Focus on the Global South
China Provokes Debate in Africa - 9 mars 2007 - By Walden Bello - At the Seventh World Social Forum (WSF), held in Nairobi, Kenya, in late January, the most controversial topic was not HIV-AIDS, the U.S. occupation of Iraq, or neoliberalism. The topic that generated the most heat was China’s relations with Africa. - Source : Foreign Policy In Focus
Chinese firms’ ’dehumanising’ treatment of Nigerian workers - 25 February 2007 - Rampant ’union-busting’, arbitrary pay cuts, no written job contracts, and no maternity pay - these are the conditions at Chinese-owned companies not just in China but also in Africa. - Source : Campaign for Democratic and Workers’ Rights in Nigeria
La forte présence chinoise en Afrique - nouvel impérialisme ? - 2 mai 2006 - Par Stephen Marks - Depuis les champs pétrolifères soudanais jusqu’aux fermes zimbabwéennes, partout en Afrique la présence chinoise se voit et se fait sentir. Selon Stephen Marks, la relation sino-africaine s’est récemment modifiée, passant d’une idéologie de la Guerre Froide à une poursuite-type d’intérêts personnels économiques. - Source : Pambazuka News

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