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Zambia Social Forum -

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Derniers articles :

Abuses Against Women Obstruct HIV Treatment - 18 December 2007
Vedanta Undermining Development in Zambia? - - 29 October 2007
A restrictive bill on civil society activities currently under debate in Parliament - - 20 July 2007
Jubilee - Zambia Statement on the Vulture Fund Judgment Requiring Zambia to Pay US$ 15.5 Million to Donegal International - - 1 May 2007
Empêchons les créanciers vautours de saper l’allègement de dette de la Zambie - - 22 février 2007
Statement on Zambia’s 2006 Tripartite Elections - - 1 October 2006
Mismanaged Zambian Electric Firm Targets Power Sector Union - - 20 February 2006
Thanks For Growth, But Where Is The Strategy On Jobs and the Equity in Taxes? - - 13 February 2006
Successful Zambia Social Forum takes place 7th October 2005 - 7 October 2005
Zambia’s Trade Situation: Implications for Debt and Poverty Reduction - - October 2005
Cancellation Of Zambia’s Debt By The G8 - - 1 September 2005
Zambian children paying the price for IMF policies - - 1 October 2004

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Afrique Australe : Nothing natural about Southern Africa food crisis

Site(s) web :

Women For Change :
Jubilee Zambia :
Civil Society for Poverty Reduction (CSPR) :
Mine Watch Zambia :
Mine Watch Zambia :

Dernier(s) document(s) :

Undermining Development: Copper mining in Zambia - By SCIAF, Christian Aid and ACTSA, with the support of Zambian civil society - 29 October 2007 (PDF - 1.6 Mb)
The Immoral Tactics of Vulture Funds: The Case of Zambia - By Jubilee Zambia - 14 May 2007 (PDF - 75.3 kb)
For whom the windfalls? Winners & losers in the privatisation of Zambia’s copper mines - by Civil Society Trade Network of Zambia - 8 March 2007 (PDF - 1.8 Mb)
Consolidated Civil Society Response And Input To The GRZ Draft Fifth National Development Plan - By Civil Society for Poverty Reduction - 1 July 2006 (PDF - 103 kb)
Zambia: Condemned to debt - How the IMF and World Bank have undermined development. A Report by World Development Movement - April 2004 - April 2004 (PDF - 199.6 kb)

Reaction to the Launch of the Fifth National Development Plan

17 January 2007

Following the launch of the Fifth National Development Plan (FNDP) and the National Long Term Vision for Zambia by His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zambia Levy Patrick Mwanawasa (S.C) on 16th January 2007 at the Mulungushi International Conference Centre, the Civil Society for Poverty Reduction (CSPR) would like to thank the Ministry of Finance and National Planning (MoFNP) for inviting CSPR to be part of the launch.

In response to the launch of the FNDP, CSPR has written a letter to the Minister of Finance and National Planning, Honorable Ng’andu Magande to raise some issues as stated below.

We commend the Government for taking this positive step of finally launching the long awaited FNDP and showing such high levels of political commitment as attested to by the President’s launch speech. We look forward to working with the Government and the Ministry of Finance in particular in contributing to ensuring the successful implementation of the FNDP and related policies and programmes.

Particularly we would like to draw government’s attention to the following issues as contained in His Excellency’s speech and the Honorable Minister of Finance’s remarks at the launch.

1. Need to Disseminate the FNDP

We echo and commend the Ministry of Finance and Government’s intention to disseminate the FNDP with the aim of sensitizing the general public and communities through out the country on the content and significance of the FNDP, this will enhance and facilitate public participation in the implementation and monitoring of the plan by a wide section of the communities as alluded to by the President. Civil society and CSPR in particular stands ready and intends to play its role in complementing this task of raising awareness and educating the general public on the FNDP content and process. Already CSPR has embarked on the task of simplifying the government’s FNDP document to enable the majority of the communities to be able to read and understand the contents. And we believe with partnerships between the government and civil society more can be done to this effect.

2. Involvement of Members of Parliament

We would like to once again reiterate the need to involve members of parliament in key development processes like the FNDP, in order to enhance and promote local accountability. Elected leaders must take centre stage in being part of the key decision making processes and priority setting for the nation.

3. FNDP priorities Good

We would like to share our agreement with the priority areas as spelt out in the FNDP. Given the resource constraints facing the financing of the plan, we believe the broad priority areas offer a reasonable path to addressing the growth and poverty challenges affecting Zambia at the moment.

4. Financing GAP

With regards to financing the plan, we commend government for the effort and progress made so far in securing some funds both locally and also pledges from cooperating partners. We are, however, concerned with the huge financing gap and would like to join government in appealing to donors to play their role by fulfilling their commitments and pledges. Donor commitment to meeting their pledges will help ensure that government does not resort to incurring unsustainable debt as a means of filling the financing GAP.

5. Public Participation and Decentralization in FNDP

Further we welcome the President’s call for public participation and interest in the implementation and monitoring of the FNDP. However, public participation can only be guaranteed if the implementation of the FDNP is brought closer to the people in every meaningful way. This entails placing the district councils and authorities who are ultimately the drivers of local development at the centre of key development processes at the local levels. Therefore the decentralization process is a key determinant to the successful implementation and public participation in the FNDP process. We would like to once again call upon government and Cabinet in particular, to support the speedy implementation of the Decentralization Implementation Plan (DIP)

6. Need for Public Accountability from leaders

We support and welcome the president’s call for Ministers and controlling officers to be accountable for the success or failure to meet the FNDP targets and goals. This will ensure real accountability and responsibility among the people charged with running the development process of the country. This should also involve reforming and improving the performance of the planning and monitoring structures like the sector advisory group (SAGs), District Development Coordinating Committees (DDCCs) including putting in place clear but robust indicators.

7. Institutional Arrangement of FNDP Implementation

CSPR welcomes and commends the government for acknowledging the obstacles and inefficiencies in the current institutional arrangement that might hinder or block the effective implementation of the FNDP, we further note that there are other obstacles that need to be addressed such as problems with the budgeting processing directly affecting the financial flows and the public expenditure management system. In this light we welcome the presidents move to move the planning department to a division solely to deal with issue of strategic planning and implementation aspects.

In conclusion, CSPR as usual stands ready to engage with government in dialogue and partnership around the best ways to address the above and other issues of national concern. We look forward to the continued partnership with the Government in the New Year.

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