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Zambia Social Forum -

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Derniers articles :

Abuses Against Women Obstruct HIV Treatment - 18 December 2007
Vedanta Undermining Development in Zambia? - - 29 October 2007
A restrictive bill on civil society activities currently under debate in Parliament - - 20 July 2007
Jubilee - Zambia Statement on the Vulture Fund Judgment Requiring Zambia to Pay US$ 15.5 Million to Donegal International - - 1 May 2007
Empêchons les créanciers vautours de saper l’allègement de dette de la Zambie - - 22 février 2007
Reaction to the Launch of the Fifth National Development Plan - - 17 January 2007
Statement on Zambia’s 2006 Tripartite Elections - - 1 October 2006
Mismanaged Zambian Electric Firm Targets Power Sector Union - - 20 February 2006
Thanks For Growth, But Where Is The Strategy On Jobs and the Equity in Taxes? - - 13 February 2006
Zambia’s Trade Situation: Implications for Debt and Poverty Reduction - - October 2005
Cancellation Of Zambia’s Debt By The G8 - - 1 September 2005
Zambian children paying the price for IMF policies - - 1 October 2004

Voir également :

Afrique Australe : Nothing natural about Southern Africa food crisis

Site(s) web :

Women For Change :
Jubilee Zambia :
Civil Society for Poverty Reduction (CSPR) :
Mine Watch Zambia :
Mine Watch Zambia :

Dernier(s) document(s) :

Undermining Development: Copper mining in Zambia - By SCIAF, Christian Aid and ACTSA, with the support of Zambian civil society - 29 October 2007 (PDF - 1.6 Mb)
The Immoral Tactics of Vulture Funds: The Case of Zambia - By Jubilee Zambia - 14 May 2007 (PDF - 75.3 kb)
For whom the windfalls? Winners & losers in the privatisation of Zambia’s copper mines - by Civil Society Trade Network of Zambia - 8 March 2007 (PDF - 1.8 Mb)
Consolidated Civil Society Response And Input To The GRZ Draft Fifth National Development Plan - By Civil Society for Poverty Reduction - 1 July 2006 (PDF - 103 kb)
Zambia: Condemned to debt - How the IMF and World Bank have undermined development. A Report by World Development Movement - April 2004 - April 2004 (PDF - 199.6 kb)

Successful Zambia Social Forum takes place 7th October 2005

7 October 2005

We the participants of the first Zambia Social Forum wish to inform the world that the first Zambia Social Forum took place on Friday, 7th October 2005 at the UNZA Chapel under the auspices of ZCSD sponsored by MS Zambia. The forum will be an annual event. The overall theme for the event is Another Zambia is possible.

The Zambia Social Forum is not an organisation, not a united front platform, but an open meeting place for reflective thinking, democratic debate of ideas, formulation of proposals, free exchange of experiences and inter-linking for effective action, by groups and movements of civil society that are opposed to neo-liberalism and to domination of the world by capital and any form of imperialism, and are committed to building a society centred on the human person. This is in line with the world social forum charter of principals.

Registration records indicate an attendance of about a hundred participants, the event which started at about 10.00hours in the morning and ended at 18.00hours in the evening showcased the Zambian identity with the main language spoken being Chinyanja, a vernacular language. The majority of participants where women and in general participation was drawn from the Zambian grassroots.

Participants broke off into workgroups to reflect on 8 thematic areas, these thematic areas where;

- 1. Media: the slogan adopted under this area is ‘Free media for Social change!’

- 2. Poverty: Trade and debt, regional integration the slogan is ‘Poverty must go!’

- 3. Land: the slogan is ‘Security in Land for women!’

- 4. Gender and HIV/AIDS: the slogan is ‘Time has come to fight HIV/AIDS!’

- 5. Youth and labour: slogan is ‘Youth Unity for a better Future!’

- 6. Privatisation: slogan is ‘Buy Zambian, Eat Zambian!’

- 7. Nature and the role of African states: slogan is ‘50 + 1 percent!’

- 8. Way forward of ZSF to SASF: slogan is ‘Time has come to implement our resolution!’

The forum was held in preparation of the Nation for similar events in the future and the coming Southern African Social Forum (SASF) Harare, Zimbabwe 13 to 15 October 2005. Findings of the ZSF workshops will be shared at the Southern Africa Social Forum SASF discussions that will also be formed there at a regional level.

The forum is open to the participation of all Zambians; its success is dependent on this participation. Let us begin to develop a culture of free speech on issues of national importance. In deed only then can another Zambia be possible.

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