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Derniers articles :

Plusieurs responsables du ZCTU agressés et écroués à la veille d’un mouvement de grève - - 19 septembre 2007
Travel ban strangling the Zimbabwean economy? - - 14 August 2007
Les femmes qui remettent en cause la politique du gouvernement sont en butte à une répression croissante - - 25 juillet 2007
Women at the forefront of challenging government policy face increasing repression - - 25 July 2007
Unjustifiable evictions of students - - 12 July 2007
COSATU statement on the deepening crisis in Zimbabwe - - 11 July 2007
ZCTU will resist any salary cuts - - 10 July 2007
ZCTU condemns spying bill - - 18 June 2007
Zimbabwean government found guilty of human and trade union rights abuses - - 14 June 2007
La répression des opposants politiques continue, avec de nouvelles violences policières - - 9 mai 2007
Repression of political opponents continues, with new incidents of police brutality - - 9 May 2007
World Press Freedom Day a reminder of Zimbabwe’s crippled media - - 3 May 2007

Voir également :

Habitat : Forced evictions reach crisis levels
Habitat : Les expulsions forcées atteignent un niveau critique
Afrique du Sud : Zimbabwean Migrants Vulnerable to Abuse
Habitat : A Joint Appeal to African Ministers on urban housing
Droits Humains - Démocratie : L’Union africaine doit se prononcer sur les graves violations des droits de l’Homme perpétrées sur le continent et exhorter les Etats à lutter contre leur impunité
Droits Humains - Démocratie : The African Union must speak out regarding the grave violations of human rights perpetuated on the Continent and must exhort the States to fight against impunity for these violations
Afrique Australe : Nothing natural about Southern Africa food crisis
Habitat : Les expulsions forcées : un scandale en termes de droits humains
Habitat : Forced evictions are a human rights scandal

Site(s) web :

Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) :
Kubatana - Zimbabwean Online Activist Community : :
Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development (Zimcodd) :
Zimbabwe Social Forum :
Zimbabwe National Students Union (ZINASU) :
Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition :

Dernier(s) document(s) :

The impact of "operation Murambatsuina / Restore Order” in Zimbabwe - A report by ActionAid International Southern African Partnership Programme - Zimbabwe - 27 August 2005 (PDF - 736.9 kb)
2004 Zimbabwe Social Forum report - - 1 December 2004 (PDF - 593.7 kb)
Onslaught against Human Rights dDefenders in Zimbabwe in 2002 - A report by Zimrights, in cooperation with the observatory for the protection of Human Rights Defenders. A joint program of the FIDH and the OMCT - février 2003 - February 2003 (PDF - 390.2 kb)

COSATU -ZCTU joint statement

16 July 2007

Leaders of the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) and the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) held a bilateral meeting in Johannesburg on Monday 16 July. The ZCTU Deputy President and Secretary General summarised the history of the current crisis and the hardships facing their members, the working class and the poor.

Unemployment is at 80% and inflation is spiralling out of control. Attacks by the state on human rights and workers organisations are continuing. The exodus of refugees fleeing into neighbouring countries has swelled into a flood, with 5000 a week being arrested coming to South Africa alone. Skilled teachers and doctors are being forced to take menial jobs to survive

The government’s price control measures have only worsened the plight of the poor majority. While both federations are worried at profiteering by business who are taking advantage of inflation to enrich themselves, the manner in which these price cuts have been carried out has been a disaster. The main beneficiaries have been state officials and the political elite, who have been forcing manufacturers and traders to slash their prices and often then buying up all the remaining stock at cut-down prices, for the benefit of their families or to sell on the black market at inflated prices. The vast majority of Zimbabweans lack the money to gain any benefit from the price cuts. We demand an immediate summit of government, labour and business to solve the crisis of empty shelves and food shortages caused by the price cuts and the hunger this is causing.

The two federations recommitted themselves to campaign for a negotiated settlement and the current SADC intervention to achieve this goal. We want a democratic process, involving civil society, to draw up a new, progressive constitution and free and fair elections. We shall continue to urge the leaders of the SADC government to implement their decision to bring about a democratic political solution to the crisis, and will work with our comrades in the Southern African Trade union Co-ordination Committee. We are worried that if this process fails, the Zimbabwe economy will collapse completely, with dire consequences for the poor of that country and our region as a whole.

COSATU in the meantime will discuss with its Alliance and civil society partners a package of people-based humanitarian interventions in preparation for this reality. We call upon the Zimbabwe government to admit there is a crisis, call off their short-term populist actions and actively co-operate with the SADC process.

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