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Derniers articles :

Un système pénitentiaire défaillant au Nigéria - - 26 février 2008
Nigeria’s prison system fails its people - - 26 February 2008
Months after, Oil Spill at Okordia remains - - 25 February 2008
CDWR fully Supports Plateau State Workers Strike Over Salary Increment - - 22 January 2008
Pipeline Fires: ERA seeks probe of PPMC - - 27 December 2007
Le Nigeria trompe la communauté internationale en matière d’exécutions - - 17 décembre 2007
World misled on executions in Nigeria - - 17 December 2007
Maurice Iwu, a Danger to Democracy - - 13 December 2007
NLC Welcomes The Court Of Appeal Ruling On The Unconstitutionality Of The Public Order Act - - 10 December 2007
Local government elections — no lessons learned - - 26 November 2007
Élections locales - les leçons du passé n’ont pas servi - - 26 novembre 2007
Probe $6M Wilbros International Bride Scandal - - 8 November 2007

Voir également :

Habitat : Forced evictions reach crisis levels
Habitat : Les expulsions forcées atteignent un niveau critique
Environnement : Resolution of FoEI Conference on Climate Change
Habitat : A Joint Appeal to African Ministers on urban housing
Lutte contre l’impunité : Will This End Impunity In West Africa?
Multinationales - Pillage des ressources : Sao Tomé et Nigeria : Une enquête révèle un manque de transparence et des fautes graves dans la concession des blocs pétroliers
Multinationales - Pillage des ressources : São Tomé and Nigeria: Inquiry finds lack of transparency and serious flaws in oil licensing round
Habitat : Les expulsions forcées : un scandale en termes de droits humains
Habitat : Forced evictions are a human rights scandal
Afrique de l’Ouest : New african gas pipeline worries civil society
Droits Humains - Démocratie : Halte à la destabilisation des Institutions de l’Union Africaine et de la CEDEAO par le Président Olusegun Obansanjo
Travail - Emploi - Syndicalisme : Déclaration commune du Congrès du travail du Nigeria (NLC), de la Confédération des syndicats sud-africains (COSATU) et du Congrès des syndicats du Ghana (TUC)
Travail - Emploi - Syndicalisme : Joint Statement on the Trade Union Situation in Africa issued at the end of a Tree-Nation Strategy by Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), Ghana Trade Union Congress (GTUC) and the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC)

Site(s) web :

Environmental Rights Action - Friends of the Earth Nigeria (ERA) :
Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) :
African Network for Environment and Economic Justice :
Campaign for Democratic and Workers’ Rights in Nigeria (CDWRN) :
Remember Saro-Wiwa :
BAOBAB For Women’s Human Rights :
Nigeria Social Forum :

Dernier(s) document(s) :

The Human Rights Impact of Local Government Corruption and Mismanagement in Rivers State, Nigeria - A report by Human Rights Watch - 31 January 2007 (PDF - 1 Mb)
Fuelling the Niger Delta Crisis - Africa Report by International Crisis Group - 28 September 2006 (PDF - 1.3 Mb)
The Shell Report: Continuing Abuses-10 Years After Ken Saro-Wiwa - by Environmental Rights Action (ERA)/Friends of the Earth Nigeria (FoEN) - 8 November 2005 (PDF - 2.4 Mb)
Violence in Nigeria’s Oil Rich Rivers State in 2004 - A Human Rights Watch Briefing Paper - February 2005 (PDF - 258.3 kb)
La crise de Warri: le combustible de la violence - Un rapport d’Human Rights Watch sur le conflit dans l’Etat du Delta du Nigeria - December 2003 (PDF - 124.8 kb)
The Niger Delta : No Democratic Dividend - Un rapport d’Human Rights Watch sur les violations des Droits de l’Homme liées à l’exploitation pétrolière du Delta du Niger - October 2002 (PDF - 4.4 Mb)

Environmental NGOs form Green Alliance Nigeria

7 December 2007

Representatives of non governmental environmental organisations in Nigeria met on the 6th day of December, 2007 in a one day environmental NGOs stakeholders meeting held at the Mekaval Hotel, Warri, Delta State to brainstorm on issues that will lead to a better environmental management in Nigeria.

Deliberations at the meeting centred on core environmental issues in Nigeria ranging from issues on forestry, water, environmental monitoring, solid minerals exploitation, oil and gas, erosion, fisheries, rivers protection, climate change, biodiversity, environmental awareness, environmental law/legislation, capacity building, budget, energy, agriculture, food and Genetically Modified Organisms, land and desertification.

At the end of the open and critically reflective discuss, the following observations were made:

- 1. That except the non governmental organisations involved in the environment sector in Nigeria begin to speak with one voice, the impact of their activities will not be felt as it should.

- 2. That despite the lack of capacity of some Nigerian government officials in the environmental issues, the NGOs are not doing much to offer the needed support as is the case in other societies.

- 3. That even when the NGOs are ready and willing to offer support to the relevant sectors of the administration, most of the times such offers are not usually valued by them especially the legislators.

- 4. That the government is not doing much in the enforcement of existing Nigerian laws/legislations on environmental protection.

- 5. That government does not take into account the environmental impacts and implications of their programmes and policies before they are enunciated and reeled out.

- 6. That the greatest enemy of the Nigerian community people in the protection of their environment and livelihoods is the Land Use Act which has deprived the people control over their God given resources.

- 7. That almost all Ministries, Departments and Agencies of government are guilty of non inclusion or mainstreaming of environmental components into their yearly budget proposals.

Arising from the above observations, the following resolutions were reached:

- 1. A network of Nigerian environmental non governmental organisations with the name GREEN ALLIANCE NIGERIA was set up with a nine members organisations steering committee.

- 2. That the Federal Government should stand by the 1st January, 2008 gas flare out deadline as Nigerians are not ready to negotiate that date!

- 3. That environmental non governmental organisations should set up an environmental intelligence unit to liaise with the government to ensure that environmental effects components of their programmes and policies are given serious consideration.

- 4. That Nigerian environmental NGOs must as a matter of urgency embark on massive sensitization and mobilization of Nigerian people for the protection and defence of their environmental rights under existing Nigerian legislations and to demand for the abrogation of obnoxious ones like the LAND USE ACT.

- 5. That the government and people of Nigeria must begin now to plan and work towards the post oil and petroleum Nigeria if the country is to remain relevant during the post oil and petroleum era.

- 6. That government should take urgent steps towards the protection of vulnerable communities from the impacts of climate change such as desertification, coastal flooding and erosion menace.

- 7. That genetically modified products and other unauthorised food items must not be allowed into the country by any means. That Nigerians need wholesome food and therefore will not tolerate the use of food for human feeding for machine feed in the guise of agro-fuel creation.

- 8. That environmental education should be integrated into schools curriculum starting from the elementary level.

Chima Williams - Environmental Rights Action / Irikefe V. Dafe - River Ethiope Trust Foundation / Okoro Otejiri - ANPEZ Centre for environment and development / Agbor Solomon Achu - Rural women and youth development initiative / Efiom Duke ABGREMO for development / Zabby Nenibarini - Centre for Environment, Human Rights and Development / Che. I. Ibegwura - Host Communities Network of Nigeria / Asume Osuoka - Social Action / Priscilla M. Achakpa - Women Environmental Programme / Nnimmo Bassey - Environmental Rights Action.

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