lib	ration afrique
Solidarité internationale et luttes sociales en Afrique subsaharienne

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de Libération Afrique

Derniers articles :

COSATU calls on SADC leaders to act now in defence of democracy in Southern Africa - - 17 August 2011
Memorandum to SADC Summit on Zimbabwe and Swaziland - 16 August 2008
Global call to action for the 38th Annual Union World Conference on Lung Health - 9 November 2007
SADC People’s Summit 2007 - 14 August 2007
Third edition of the Southern African Social Forum - 1 October 2006
Reclaiming SADC For People’s Solidarity - 16 August 2006
Les San en appellent au gouvernement suisse - - 6 mars 2006
Nothing natural about Southern Africa food crisis - - 16 December 2005
SASF Harare: Another Zimbabwe is possible! - - 19 October 2005
2nd edition of the Southern African Social Forum - 9 October 2005
Les pays d’Afrique australe résistent aux demandes de la Suisse en matière de droits de propriété intellectuelle - - 4 mars 2005
Southern African countries have taken a firm stand against EFTA demands on Intellectual Property Rights in Free Trade Agreement - - 4 March 2005

Voir également :

Zimbabwe : The coalition government of Zimbabwe must urgently institute reforms and ensure human rights respect
Zimbabwe : Zimbabwe Civil Society Position Paper to SADC on the Elections Roadmap
Swaziland : Swaziland Democracy Campaign
Zimbabwe : Joint statement on Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe : Police still torture while political solution to crisis being sought
Financement du développement - Aide publique : Civil Society Communique From The Inter Regional Dialogue On Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness
Dette : SADC MPs-CSOs Communique on Africa’s Loans
Travail - Emploi - Syndicalisme : Action research in the garment sector in Southern and Eastern Africa
Agriculture - Accès à la terre - Souveraineté alimentaire : The Landless People’s Charter

Site(s) web :

Action for Southern Africa (ACTSA) :
Economic Justice Network :
Trade and Development Studies (TRADES) :
Apartheid Debt and Reparations Campaign :
Panos Southern Africa (PSAf) :
Koordination Südliches Afrika (KOSA) :
Southern African Regional Poverty Network :
Media Institute of Southern Africa :

Popular and Democratic Alternatives to Neo-Liberalism
2nd edition of the Southern African Social Forum

26 July 2005

Zimbabwe will be hosting the 2nd edition of the Southern Africa Social Forum 2005 in Harare, from 13-15 October 2005.

This year’s SASF is expected to bring together thousands of participants from community-based groups, social movements and civil society organizations from SADC under the theme, ‘Popular and Democratic Alternatives to Neo-Liberalism’.

The Southern Africa Social Forum is a prelude to the African Social Forum (ASF) and World Social Forum (WSF) that take place annually. The first Southern African Social Forum was successfully held in November 2003 in Lusaka, Zambia.

The Social Forum is not an organisation, not a united front platform, but " open meeting place for reflective thinking, democratic debate of ideas, formulation of proposals, free exchange of experiences and inter-linking for effective action, by groups and movements of civil society that are opposed to neo-liberalism and to domination of the world by capital and any form of imperialism, and are committed to building a society centred on the human person". (From the WSF Charter of Principles).

Forward all enquiries to Tafadzwa R. Muropa on E-mails: zimsocialforum chez point zw and zimcodd chez point zw

Or phone the Zimbabwe Social Forum Secretariat at ZIMCODD on telephone numbers t263-04-776830/31

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Our world is not for sale!!!

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