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Solidarité internationale et luttes sociales en Afrique subsaharienne

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Derniers articles :

Student leaders framed on charges of conspiracy to murder - - 18 October 2007
No to Mass Sack of Oyo State Workers - - 25 September 2007
Hands off OAU Students Union Now! - - 10 September 2007
Violence in Port Harcourt escalates - - 22 August 2007
Escalade de la violence à Port-Harcourt - - 22 août 2007
Ongoing Shell Spill puts community at Risk - - 15 August 2007
Chevron’s nigeria pipeline under investigation - - 13 July 2007
Demand For Reversal of A Number of Policies And Actions Effected at The Twilight of President Obasanjo’s Administration - - 1 June 2007
Stay-at-Home Protest By LASCO - - 23 May 2007
Monday May 28 and Tuesday May 29 2007, are days of national protests - - - 17 May 2007
Communiqué Issued At The End Of The Emergency Meeting Of The National Executive Council (Nec) Of The Nigeria Labour Congress - - 12 May 2007
Presidential Election Marred by Fraud, Violence - - 25 April 2007

Voir également :

Habitat : Forced evictions reach crisis levels
Habitat : Les expulsions forcées atteignent un niveau critique
Environnement : Resolution of FoEI Conference on Climate Change
Habitat : A Joint Appeal to African Ministers on urban housing
Lutte contre l’impunité : Will This End Impunity In West Africa?
Multinationales - Pillage des ressources : Sao Tomé et Nigeria : Une enquête révèle un manque de transparence et des fautes graves dans la concession des blocs pétroliers
Multinationales - Pillage des ressources : São Tomé and Nigeria: Inquiry finds lack of transparency and serious flaws in oil licensing round
Habitat : Les expulsions forcées : un scandale en termes de droits humains
Habitat : Forced evictions are a human rights scandal
Afrique de l’Ouest : New african gas pipeline worries civil society
Droits Humains - Démocratie : Halte à la destabilisation des Institutions de l’Union Africaine et de la CEDEAO par le Président Olusegun Obansanjo
Travail - Emploi - Syndicalisme : Déclaration commune du Congrès du travail du Nigeria (NLC), de la Confédération des syndicats sud-africains (COSATU) et du Congrès des syndicats du Ghana (TUC)
Travail - Emploi - Syndicalisme : Joint Statement on the Trade Union Situation in Africa issued at the end of a Tree-Nation Strategy by Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), Ghana Trade Union Congress (GTUC) and the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC)

Site(s) web :

Environmental Rights Action - Friends of the Earth Nigeria (ERA) :
Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) :
African Network for Environment and Economic Justice :
Campaign for Democratic and Workers’ Rights in Nigeria (CDWRN) :
Remember Saro-Wiwa :
BAOBAB For Women’s Human Rights :
Nigeria Social Forum :

Dernier(s) document(s) :

The Human Rights Impact of Local Government Corruption and Mismanagement in Rivers State, Nigeria - A report by Human Rights Watch - 31 January 2007 (PDF - 1 Mb)
Fuelling the Niger Delta Crisis - Africa Report by International Crisis Group - 28 September 2006 (PDF - 1.3 Mb)
The Shell Report: Continuing Abuses-10 Years After Ken Saro-Wiwa - by Environmental Rights Action (ERA)/Friends of the Earth Nigeria (FoEN) - 8 November 2005 (PDF - 2.4 Mb)
Violence in Nigeria’s Oil Rich Rivers State in 2004 - A Human Rights Watch Briefing Paper - February 2005 (PDF - 258.3 kb)
La crise de Warri: le combustible de la violence - Un rapport d’Human Rights Watch sur le conflit dans l’Etat du Delta du Nigeria - December 2003 (PDF - 124.8 kb)
The Niger Delta : No Democratic Dividend - Un rapport d’Human Rights Watch sur les violations des Droits de l’Homme liées à l’exploitation pétrolière du Delta du Niger - October 2002 (PDF - 4.4 Mb)

NLC And TUC Salute Nigeria People and Calls for Renewed Resolve As The Strike Continues

21 June 2007

The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and Trade Union Congress (TUC) again commend the generality of the Nigeria people for observing the general strike. The level of compliance, mass support and participation has remained appreciable across the 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory, in all sectors of the economy and in all spheres of life.

In particular, we commend the peaceful conduct of workers and other members of the public during the strike, pickets and other protest activities in various parts of the Country.

We also commend the manifest civility demonstrated by the Police in the ongoing general strike/mass protests. This is a marked departure from the excessive high-handedness which Police had displayed in the past.

We also condemn the reported deployment of officers and men of the Army and Navy to operate fuel depots and other purely civil infrastructures for which they have no mandate.

Over all, the NLC and TUC remain disappointed by the apparent indifference of the Federal Government to the popular wishes of the people by returning the price of petrol to N65 per litre.

In this regard, we wish to remind President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua that the generality of Nigerians expect him to muster the will to return the price of petrol to N65 per litre, as he had in respect of kerosene and diesel.

We again call on President Yar’Adua to live up to his promise to be a listening President and a servant-leader, who would provide succor and comfort to a people. By implication, these commitments obviously mean a lot to a people battered by eight years of punitive neoliberal reforms.

President Yar’Adua’s silence and failure to return the price to N65 is capable of being construed as a repudiation of his promised commitment to be a listening and compassionate President and a servant of the people.

Consequently, silence and indifference to the popular demand for a return of the price of petrol to N65 as was done to other products is not in consonance with the above commitments.

As the strike reaches its third day tomorrow, Friday, June 22, 2007, the NLC, TUC and the Joint Action forum (JAF) would continue to provide leadership for the peaceful conduct of the action. All offices, filling stations, schools, markets, business premises etc will remain closed. Sensitive utilities like water and electricity may be completely shut down.

In furtherance of our commitment to patriotism and stability of the polity, we remain open to meaningful and result-oriented dialogue.

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