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Fund the Fund - International Campaign to increase funding for the Global Fund to fight Aids, Tuberculosis, and Malaria

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Derniers articles :

Visite de M. François Fillon au Cameroun et au Nigeria - 20 mai 2009
Re-mind the gap - 12 mai 2009
Clôture du CA du Fonds mondial sida : la France refuse de contribuer au comblement du trou financier - - 6 mai 2009
Sida : de l’autosatisfaction à l’action - 23 avril 2009
Crise financière : Kouchner laisse l’Etat couper les traitements sida promis à l’Afrique - - 8 novembre 2008
AucunE responsable politique françaisE à la conférence mondiale contre le sida - - 25 juillet 2008
Budget sida en Afrique : Sarkozy va t-il se plier au nihilisme budgétaire de Fillon ? - - 2 juillet 2008
Le G8 renoncerait à l’accès universel au traitement d’ici 2010 : une volte-face criminelle - - 30 juin 2008
The G8 gives up on universal access to treatment for 2010: a criminal turnaround - - 30 June 2008
Le sida reste la première cause de mortalité en Afrique - - 20 novembre 2007
Eric Woerth veut retirer les traitements à 7 000 malades du sida des pays pauvres - 14 novembre 2007
Nicolas Sarkozy ment, et met des millions de malades en danger de mort - - 27 septembre 2007

Voir également :

Afrique du Sud : Treatment Action Campaign launches ’People’s Health Manifesto’
Afrique du Sud : Honte aux labos
Afrique du Sud : TAC responds to big pharma plan to derail patent law reform in South Africa
Afrique Australe : Reclaiming SADC for People’s Development
Forum social mondial : Le mouvement social africain s’est donné rendez-vous à Kinshasa du 17 au 20 janvier 2013
Lesotho : Britain should retain its direct aid programme says Action for Southern Africa
Sénégal : Appel pour la libération immédiate de 9 hommes jugés sur la base de leur présumée conduite sexuelle
Sénégal : Le président de AIDES Sénégal condamné à 8 ans de prison ferme pour avoir lutté contre le sida !
Cameroun : Sida : les dirigeants « Résistent » et les malades meurent
Cameroun : Sida au Cameroun : combien coûtent nos vies ?
Sénégal : Libération immédiate des prisonniers gays et abolition des lois contre les homosexuel
Zambie : Abuses Against Women Obstruct HIV Treatment
Afrique Australe : Global call to action for the 38th Annual Union World Conference on Lung Health
Ouganda : State Homophobia Threatens Health and Human Rights
Sommets du G8 - G20 : De « nouvelles » annonces pour camoufler l’échec global du sommet

Site(s) web :

Planet Africa :
Pan-African Treatment Access Movement (PATAM) :
Commission Nord-Sud d’Act Up Paris :

Health Global Access Project (GAP) :
Pambazuka News - Health and HIV/AIDS :
Action for Southern Africa (ACTSA) :
Treatment Action Campaign :

Dernier(s) document(s) :

Women and HIV - Equal Treatment - Newsletter of the Traitment Action Campaign - 10 June 2006 (PDF - 3.7 Mb)
Debt relief and the HIV/AIDS crisis in Africa - Does the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative go far enough? Oxfam Briefing Paper - June 2002 (PDF - 203.7 kb)

Bush’s Trip Highlights Flaws in US HIV/AIDS Policy

14 February 2008

President George W. Bush’s praise for US efforts against HIV/AIDS in Africa should not obscure how his administration’s policies continue to undermine HIV prevention on the continent and globally, Human Rights Watch said today.

During his upcoming trip to Africa, Bush will visit Tanzania and Rwanda, two target countries of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). Later this month, the House Foreign Affairs Committee will debate reauthorization of this US$15 billion global anti-HIV program.

The record of the first PEPFAR program was decidedly mixed, Human Rights Watch said. The United States has demonstrated global leadership in scaling up access to HIV treatment, but it undermined HIV prevention through the adoption of ideologically driven approaches that emphasized abstinence until marriage and hindered programs targeting sex workers by requiring organizations to sign a so-called “prostitution pledge” opposing prostitution.

The US could be a global leader in the fight against AIDS,” said Joe Amon, HIV/AIDS Program director at Human Rights Watch. “But if Congress allows ideological views about sexuality to trump evidence-based programs and human rights protections, US efforts against HIV/AIDS in Africa will continue to fall short.”

Congressionally mandated evaluations of PEPFAR programs by the Institute of Medicine and the US Government Accountability Office have criticized the rigid abstinence-until-marriage funding requirement. They have recommended that the funding restriction be eliminated because it undermines prevention efforts and hampers the capacity to develop and implement comprehensive prevention programs that are well-integrated with each other and with HIV testing, care, and treatment programs.

In Uganda, another PEPFAR target country in Africa, Human Rights Watch documented the ways in which the US abstinence-only policy resulted in censored or distorted information about condoms, and denied young people information about any method of HIV prevention other than sexual abstinence until marriage .

PEPFAR could be a positive legacy of the Bush administration” said Amon. “But only if the new legislation does not repeat the mistakes and limitations of the current program.

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