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Fund the Fund - International Campaign to increase funding for the Global Fund to fight Aids, Tuberculosis, and Malaria

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Derniers articles :

AucunE responsable politique françaisE à la conférence mondiale contre le sida - - 25 juillet 2008
Budget sida en Afrique : Sarkozy va t-il se plier au nihilisme budgétaire de Fillon ? - - 2 juillet 2008
Le G8 renoncerait à l’accès universel au traitement d’ici 2010 : une volte-face criminelle - - 30 juin 2008
Bush’s Trip Highlights Flaws in US HIV/AIDS Policy - - 14 February 2008
Le sida reste la première cause de mortalité en Afrique - - 20 novembre 2007
Eric Woerth veut retirer les traitements à 7 000 malades du sida des pays pauvres - 14 novembre 2007
Nicolas Sarkozy ment, et met des millions de malades en danger de mort - - 27 septembre 2007
UNITAID un an après : succès, lenteurs et dangers - - 20 septembre 2007
Fonds mondial sida : les reniements de N. Sarkozy priveraient de traitement 15 000 malades - 28 août 2007
G8 et SIDA : le G8 trahit, Sarkozy impuissant - - 8 juin 2007
Fonds Mondial Sida : des avancées remarquables, mais le plus long du chemin reste à faire - - 23 mai 2007
Sortir de l’impasse : la voie du patent pool - - 22 février 2007

Voir également :

Cameroun : Sida au Cameroun : combien coûtent nos vies ?
Sénégal : Libération immédiate des prisonniers gays et abolition des lois contre les homosexuel
Zambie : Abuses Against Women Obstruct HIV Treatment
Afrique Australe : Global call to action for the 38th Annual Union World Conference on Lung Health
Ouganda : State Homophobia Threatens Health and Human Rights
Sommet du G8 : De « nouvelles » annonces pour camoufler l’échec global du sommet
Sommet du G8 : G8 miss mark as ’new’ announcements disguise overall failure
Afrique du Sud : COSATU’s response to President Thabo Mbeki’s State of the Nation Speech
OMC - AGOA - Commerce international : Les pays riches trahissent leur engagement d’aider les pays pauvres à protéger la santé publique
OMC - AGOA - Commerce international : Rich countries betraying their obligations to help poor countries protect public health
OMC - AGOA - Commerce international : Cinq ans après, l’accord OMC sur l’accès aux médicaments est un échec
Afrique du Sud : Unity, Implementation and Accountability to End the AIDS Crisis
Afrique du Sud : Cosatu Statement on HIV Aids
Afrique Australe : Reclaiming SADC For People’s Solidarity
Afrique du Sud : Contempt Places Lives Of Prisoners With Hiv/Aids at Immediate Risk

Site(s) web :

Planet Africa :
Pan-African Treatment Access Movement (PATAM) :
Commission Nord-Sud d’Act Up Paris :

Health Global Access Project (GAP) :
Fund the Fund :
Pambazuka News - Health and HIV/AIDS :
Action for Southern Africa (ACTSA) :
Treatment Action Campaign :

Dernier(s) document(s) :

Women and HIV - Equal Treatment - Newsletter of the Traitment Action Campaign - 10 June 2006 (PDF - 3.7 Mb)
Debt relief and the HIV/AIDS crisis in Africa - Does the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative go far enough? Oxfam Briefing Paper - June 2002 (PDF - 203.7 kb)

The G8 gives up on universal access to treatment for 2010: a criminal turnaround

30 June 2008

According to the Financial Times, the G8 is priming itself to go back on the commitments it pledged at the Glenneagles summit in 2005. Universal access to treatment for AIDS will not longer be guaranteed by 2010, and the increase of 25 billion euros of aid for African development is no longer certain for 2015.

Disastrous Consequences for the fight against AIDS

70% of people living with aids today do not have access to the treatments that would save their lives. The price of medications, the under-funding of treatment access, the lack of resources to resolve the health professionals crisis in Africa: these are the plagues that the G8 took on in 2005, to finally and effectively combat the aids pandemic, which every day kills eight thousand people around the world. Indeed, the G8 had committed itself to universal access to treatment by 2010. To go back on these promises, to postpone these financial commitments, would be to admit and even to accept that those eight thousand people die daily-the majority in Southern countries. It would be humanely and politically unacceptable, and this possibility makes us deeply angry.

Sarkozy, Kouchner, Woerth and Joyandet: the primary culprits

Since the election of Nicolas Sarkozy as president of the Republic, France has not stopped going back on its commitments to health. Since December 2007, organizations have had to fight to ensure that the French contribution to the fight against AIDS is not reduced , where it is already completely insufficient (that is the work of Eric Woerth, Minister of the Budget). More recently, the Secretary of State for Cooperation officially devoted the new politics of development in France to cynicism and profitability : if France is going to give to Africa, France must get something out of it-so the poor countries must give something to France. Such is the credo of the Sarkozy government. Let’s be reminded that for a year now, France has given at least 14 billion euros to the most rich through a new tax policy.

Call for International Mobilization

By abandoning their commitments for 2010, the leaders of the G8 once again betray those who are sick. This Wednesday, July 2, Act Up-Paris will make public the phone and fax numbers and email addresses of the people in charge at the Elysée, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Secretary of State for Cooperation. We invite every citizen and every organization-especially organizations representing the PLWA-in France, in Africa, and throughout the world to contact these offices and to demand that they hold to the promises they made at Glenneagles.

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