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Afrique du Sud

Congress of South African Trade Unions - COSATU

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Derniers articles :

South Africa: Mining companies must provide decent compensation for all silicosis sufferers - - 4 March 2016
Ituc-Africa Statement on the Xenophobic Attacks in South Africa - - 21 April 2015
No good tidings in Christmas nuclear announcement - - 18 December 2014
Environmentalists protest against Zuma’s plans for our coast - - 15 October 2014
Lonmin is hoodwinking the Marikana Commission of Inquiry and the South African Public: SARS must investigate the conglomerate’s finacial affairs - - 2 October 2014
Nuclear deal with Russia not in the interests of the South African people - - 22 September 2014
Sasol Spends Profits On Undermining The State - - 8 September 2014
International Action against Anglo-American and Vedanta - - 26 July 2014
Illegal Evictions in Madlala Village, Lamontville - - 21 June 2014
Why have Amplats, Impala and Lonmib been systematically selling their PGM Metals below market prices ? - - 2 June 2014
Johannesburg’s Dangerous Air - - 24 May 2014
Justice for South African Gold Miners - - 24 April 2014

Voir également :

Panafricanisme - Union Africaine - Intégration régionale : The struggle continues even at 51 years of the OAU/AU
Ghana : Gov’t must reconsider its stance on prepaid water Meters
Afrique Australe : COSATU calls on SADC leaders to act now in defence of democracy in Southern Africa
Lesotho : COSATU condemns arrests and shooting of workers in Lesotho
Swaziland : Swazi Regime Starts to Unravel: The Democratic Movement Gathers Pace!
Swaziland : Swaziland Democracy Campaign
Zimbabwe : COSATU condemns Mugabe for detention of opponents
Zimbabwe : ZCTU and COSATU statement on crisis in Zimbabwe
Afrique Australe : Memorandum to SADC Summit on Zimbabwe and Swaziland
OMC - AGOA - Commerce international : COSATU rejects new NAMA and Agricultural proposal presented on 25th July 2008
Zimbabwe : COSATU demands a democratic solution to Zimbabwe crisis
Santé : La biopiraterie contre le développement
Zimbabwe : Le bateau et son chargement d’armes « retournent à la maison »
Zimbabwe : No arms to Zimbabwe
OGM : First GMO seed scandal in Africa: South Africa contaminates the continent

Site(s) web :

Alternative Information and Development Centre (AIDC) :
Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) :
Anti -privatisation forum :
South African National NGO Coalition (SANGOCO) :
Women’sNet :
Earth Life Africa :
National Union of Mineworkers :
South African Democratic Teachers’ Union (SADTU) :
Treatment Action Campaign :
National Labour and Economic Development Institute (NALEDI) :
National Council of Trade Unions :
Centre for Civil Society :
Khanya College - Education for Liberation :
AIDS Consortium :
Zabalaza - Southern African Anarchism :
Groundwork - Environmental Justice Group :
Biowatch South Africa :
National Education Health and Allied Workers Union - NEHAWU :
Amandla ! :
South African Municipal Workers’ Union - SAMWU :
SANGONeT NGO Pulse Portal :
Surplus People Project :
Abahlali baseMjondolo :
Western Cape Anti-Eviction Campaign :

Dernier(s) document(s) :

People’s Budget Coalition Submission to the Budget Hearings on the Fiscal Framework and Revenue Proposals - - 2 March 2011 (PDF - 465.4 kb)
Des accords injustes - Les accords commerciaux abusifs de l’UE avec le Mexique et l’Afrique du Sud - Un rapport de World Development Movement - 1 May 2008 (PDF - 1.3 Mb)
Raw deal - The EU’s unfair trade agreements with Mexico and South Africa - By World Development Movement - 1 May 2008 (PDF - 1.1 Mb)
Unprotected Migrants in South Africa - A report by Human Rights Watch - 28 February 2007 (PDF - 1.1 Mb)
Spend more, spend better and on the right programmes - By People’s Budget Coalition - 20 February 2007 (PDF - 639.2 kb)
Apartheid grand corruption - Assessing the scale of crimes of profit from 1976 to 1994 - A report prepared by civil society in terms of a resolution of the Second National Anti-Corruption Summit for presentation at the National Anti-Corruption Forum, May 2006 - 5 June 2006 (PDF - 317.5 kb)
People’s Budget Response to the 2005 Medium Term Budget Policy Statement - by People’s Budget Campaign (SANGOCO, COSATU, SACC) - 2 November 2005 (Word - 403 kb)
‘Nothing for Mahala’ - The forced installation of prepaid water meters in Stretford, Extension 4, Orange Farm, Johannesburg, South Africa - by The Coalition Against Water Privatisation (South Africa), the Anti-Privatisation Forum (South Africa) and Public Citizen (USA) - 15 April 2004 (PDF - 312.1 kb)

March against evictions in Wynberg, Alexandra
The ghost of apartheid is still alive in the rainbow nation

5 May 2008

Alexandra Vukuzenzele Crisis Committee marches in solidarity with the Wynberg Residents against forced evictions in Alexandra.

More than 500 community members marched today to the Alexandra Region 7 housing department’s office in protest against the planned evictions on the 5th of May 2008 from Wynberg Councilor Place on 1st Avenue in Wynberg, Alexandra. The residents have delivered a memorandum to the housing department demanding that no evictions take place in the area.

The Wynberg Council residents were served notice to vacate a place they have been occupying since 1992 when there was unrest in the country. Most will remember the violence that took place in the country before the 1994 elections in black communities between Inkatha Freedom Party supporters and supporters of the African National Congress. Many of the residents were displaced from their homes as they feared being caught in the turmoil between hostel dwellers and township residents. Just like the violence on Khumalo Street in Thokoza displaced residents in the East Rand, many residents of River Park were also forced to evacuate their homes to find shelter in Council Place in Wynberg. They lost their homes in fear of political violence but they were never compensated for their loss.

Today the residents are faced with evictions into the streets of crime with the government not providing alternative, safe accommodation. The residents are demanding that the government must set up a tribunal on the River Park houses in order to have their homes restored or alternative accommodation in Alexandra be found. Next week’s threatened eviction will not only throw poor people out into the chilling clutches of a Joburg winter but will disregard their just claims to redress.

While the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s mandate may have closed, pervasive poverty in South Africa is irreconcilable with the extravagant wealth being earned by an elite few and the country’s Bill of Rights. We cannot consider an ordinary working class citizen equal to Patrice Motsepe if he has to work 400 years to earn what the billionaire earns in a month. The celebration of Freedom Day cannot forget the gross un-freedoms that people endure daily. 14 years into democracy and many South Africans are still living the injustices of the past


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