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Solidarité internationale et luttes sociales en Afrique subsaharienne

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Derniers articles :

Refusons l’encampement des exilé·e·s et la clôture des frontières - - 18 décembre 2015
Des ponts, pas des armes ! - 24 juin 2015
Contre les naufrages en Méditerranée : des ponts, pas des murs ! - 6 mai 2015
Morts en Méditerranée : le déshonneur du Conseil européen - 24 avril 2015
70 organisations espagnoles se joignent à Migreurop pour exiger la fin des refoulements illégaux et le respect des législations nationale, européenne et internationale - - 14 octobre 2014
Opération « Mos Maiorum » : La traque aux migrants sans-papiers en Europe - - 10 octobre 2014
Aucun respect pour les droits de l’homme avec Frontex - - 27 juin 2014
63 migrants morts en Méditerranée : l’armée française devra finalement s’expliquer - - - - - 27 juin 2014
Politiques migratoires UE-Afrique : l’aveuglement mortel des chefs d’États - - 8 avril 2014
Maroc : Abus à l’encontre de migrants subsahariens - - 10 février 2014
Lampedusa : l’Europe assassine - - 4 octobre 2013
Communiqué sur la situation des migrants sénégalais au Maroc et en République démocratique du Congo - 29 mai 2013

Voir également :

Forum social mondial : Déclaration finale du Forum des Peuples, Siby 2015
Afrique du Sud : Ituc-Africa Statement on the Xenophobic Attacks in South Africa
Angola : Des milliers de ressortissants africains victimes de graves violations des droits humains
Kenya : Summary of Human Rights Audit of the Security Laws (Amendment) Bill 2014
Afrique Australe : Reclaiming SADC for People’s Development-SADC Resources for SADC People
Mali : Naufrage du 28 juillet sur les cotes libyennes
Comores : Non à la signature d’un accord franco-comorien contre la circulation des Comorien-ne-s
Forum social mondial : Crises, Guerres et interventions militaires extérieures pour le contrôle des ressources : quelles réponses des mouvements sociaux africains ?
Kenya : Mass Deportation of Somalis
Kenya : End Abusive Round-Ups
Soudan : Stop Deporting Eritreans
Kenya : Halt Crackdown on Somalis
Mauritanie : La CGTM dénonce le refoulement systématique et brutal des migrants
Forum social mondial : Le mouvement social africain s’est donné rendez-vous à Kinshasa du 17 au 20 janvier 2013
Mauritanie : La CGTM condamne l’arrestation des travailleurs migrants à Nouadhibou

Site(s) web :

Pambazuka News - Refugees and Forced Migration :
Charte Mondiale des Migrants :
Loujna-Tounkaranké : :
Migreurop - observatoire des frontières :
Frontexit :
Campagne Frontexit :
Association Malienne des Expulsés :
Stop Kwassa :

Dernier(s) document(s) :

Paroles d’expulsé.e.s - Un recueil de Migreurop pour faire connaître la réalité de ce qui est pudiquement appelé « réadmission » - 9 March 2012 (PDF - 905.7 kb)
Prisonnier du désert, enquête sur la situation des migrants à la frontière Mali-Mauritanie - Un rapport conjoint de la Cimade, de l’association mauritanienne des droits de l’homme, de l’association malienne des expulsés et d’alternatives espaces citoyen Niger. - 18 December 2010 (PDF - 1.8 Mb)

4th EU-Africa summit
EU-Africa Migration policies: the deadly obliviousness of heads of state

9 April 2014

On both shores of the Mediterranean, a securitarian view of migrations is shared. The externalisation of border management, the strengthening of surveillance systems through Frontex and Eurosur, as well as the instrumental use of public development aid to try to keep populations in their home countries, remain the key means for its implementation.

Following the 4th EU-Africa summit that was held on 2-3 April 2014 in Brussels, the heads of state and of the governments of the EU and Africa, the President of the European Council, the President of the European Commission, the President of the African Union (AU) and the President of the AU Commission declared that they were “particularly proud of the breadth and depth of our partnership”. The President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy was delighted, claiming that it is “a real advance within which to frame immigration”.

However, nothing new or encouraging was planned. Each of the three official declarations issued by the summit, one of which was specifically dedicated to “migration and mobility”, falls within a state of continuity to strengthen the global approach to migrations that the EU has been promoting since 2005. The common roadmap for 2014-2017 proposes a Euro-African cooperation that focuses in particular on the fight against human trafficking, on strengthening the management of migrations as well as the fight against irregular immigration. To do so, provisions are envisaged in the field of expulsion as well as measures to “promote the employment of young people”, presented as an alternative to irregular migration. These cosmetic measures deny the deep-lying causes of the North-South inequalities that cause, among other effects, population movements between Africa and Europe.

Paradoxically, those who uttered the declarations recognise that they “are deeply worried by the serious social and human consequences of irregular immigration and the loss of human lives that it causes”, and declare that they are “more determined than ever to act to stop such tragedies from occurring in the future”. To do so, they propose to act, hand-in-hand, “by effectively tackling irregular immigration and by adopting a global approach to migration management, within the framework of strict respect for human rights and human dignity”.

How can we continue to believe the EU and AU’s misleading rhetoric, when it is precisely this policy of border closure which generates irregular immigration and which causes the death of thousands of migrants at Europe’s external borders and in African transit countries? In fact, migrants are forced to take increasingly dangerous routes in order to elude controls, and to resort to smugglers which makes them even more vulnerable, considering that they deal with the human trafficking networks that come into play.

As European and African associations that defend the rights of migrants, and as members of Migreurop, we condemn the outcome of this 4th EU-Africa summit which, once again, reveals the obliviousness of Euro-African migration policies, the irresponsibility and cynicism of their authors. Authors who must be identified as those responsible for the death of men, women and children at the EU’s borders. The vision and objectives on which the EU-Africa partnership rests inevitably announce an increase in the future violations of rights, in suffering and in the loss of human lives for migrants who strive to attain dignity.

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