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Consumers say NO to GMOs - Consumers International Campaign

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lettre d'information
de Libération Afrique

Derniers articles :

Contaminated U.S. Rice Must Be Recalled From Africa - - - 25 November 2006
No Gateway to Africa’s Sorghum - - 10 July 2006
Groups in Africa, Latin America condemn World Bank biosafety projects - - - 26 June 2006
Ten Years of Genetically Modified Crops Fail to Deliver Benefits to Africa - - - 10 January 2006
Déclaration de Nairobi sur les OGM dans l’agriculture africaine - - 1er décembre 2005
Ecowas, Stop GMOs Now - - 1 July 2005
FoE-Africa/TWN conference on GMOS and Africa - - - 24 April 2005
GMOs will not solve hunger, but will make it worse - 16 July 2004
FAO unashamedly biased towards GMOs - - 17 June 2004
La FAO prend sans complexe le parti des OGM - - 17 juin 2004
Consumers International joins African NGOs in GM food aid protest - - 5 May 2004
Le coton génétiquement modifié envahit l’Afrique de l’Ouest - - 2 février 2004

Voir également :

Afrique du Sud : New GM Experiments in South Africa
Afrique du Sud : Africa’s Sorghum Saved: Applause for Second GM Sorghum Rejection
Agriculture - Accès à la terre - Souveraineté alimentaire : Nyéléni 2007 - Forum pour la Souveraineté Alimentaire
Environnement : Regional Conference On Biosafety
Afrique du Sud : We want the right to choose safe food now!
Nigeria : Communique of One Day National Workshop on Biosafety and the People Abuja
Cameroun : La société civile nationale dit non aux OGM
Afrique du Sud : Bt cotton in Makhathini: the success story that never was
Afrique du Sud : Bayer, Monsanto vie for South Africa’s sugar cane
Mali : Déclaration de la Coordination Nationale des Organisations Paysannes du MALI (CNOP) concernant les OGM
Mali : Le Mali face à la menace des OGM
Burkina Faso : Déclaration de l’atelier OGM

Site(s) web :

GRAIN - Genetic Ressources Action International :
Consumers International - Africa Office :
African Centre for Biosafety :
Biowatch South Africa :
Consumers International - Africa Office :
Earth Life Africa :
Nyéléni 2007 - Forum pour la Souveraineté Alimentaire :

Dernier(s) document(s) :

West Africa and the biotech push - ECOWAS Ministerial Conference on Biotechnology - FoE Africa Briefing Paper - 15 March 2007 (PDF - 63.3 kb)
L’USAID, ou comment faire pour que le monde ait faim de cultures génétiquement modifiées - GRAIN Briefing - 7 July 2005 (PDF - 943.1 kb)
USAid: Making the World Hungry for GM Crops - GRAIN Briefing - April 2005 (PDF - 575.9 kb)
Le coton Bt à la porte de l’Afrique de l’Ouest : Il faut agir ! - Dossier de recherches publié par GRAIN - 25 March 2005 (PDF - 429.6 kb)

Statement by civil-society on biotech ECOWAS conference

24 June 2005

Statement of peasants’ organisations, consumers’ associations, the Mali Coalition for the Protection of Genetic Heritage and the Francophone African Coalition for the Protection of Genetic Heritage.

Civil society groups have expressed their reservations about genetic modification (GM) among the tools of biotechnology and wish to inform the ECOWAS Ministers as well as African and international public opinion of the reasons underlying this position.

We denounce and we reject:

- 1. the patenting of life, which comes with GM, because it dispossesses small-scale African producers and violates their economic and cultural rights

- 2. the absence of labelling of GM products, which violates consumers rights to information

- 3. the lack of any mechanism for traceability in our countries, which prevents us from identifying the source of any eventual problem brought on by GM

We demand:

- 4. the recognition of liability of producers/users of GM technology with regard to any damage to the environment or human health, in conformity with the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety

- 5. that the adoption of any innovation using genetic modification be postponed in the long term (10 years) to allow different actors to build their capacities in terms of verifying the absence of risk from GMOs

These five recommendations were the subject of intense debate between civil society and experts both at the plenary session of the Ministerial Conference and in the working groups. However, they have been left out of the final report that is being officially submitted to the ECOWAS Ministers.

Signed: West African Network of Peasant Organisations and Producers (ROPPA) / West African Network of Chambers of Agriculture (RECAO) / Consumers International / Mali Coalition for the Protection of Genetic Heritage / Francophone Africa Coalition for the Protection of Genetic Heritage


Ibrahim Ouedraogo, General Secretary of INADES-Formation, Abidjan - 15, Avenue Jean Mermoz-Cocody 08 B.P. 8 Abidjan 08, Côte d’Ivoire - Tél.: (225) 22 40 02 16 ; Fax : (225) 22 40 02 30 ; E-mail : ibrahim.ouedraogo chez inadesfo point org

or Guy-Patrick Massoloka - Communications Officer, Consumers International Africa Office - E-mail: guypatrick chez point zw - Tel (263-4) 302-283; Fax: (263-4) 303-092

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