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Solidarité internationale et luttes sociales en Afrique subsaharienne

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Forum social mondial de Dakar - février 2011


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de Libération Afrique

Derniers articles :

Déclaration de l’assemblée des mouvements sociaux - 11 février 2011
Séminaire des mouvements sociaux / Dakar / 5-7 novembre 2010 - 7 novembre 2010
Contribution au séminaire de préparation du FSM Dakar 2011 : Lettre de quelques mouvements sociaux - 26 août 2010
Consultation publique des axes du forum social mondial de Dakar - 20 août 2010
Déclaration finale du 8ème Forum des peuples de Bandiagara au Mali - 10 juillet 2009
Nous ne payerons pas la crise ! Que les riches la paient ! - 1er février 2009
Thème et contenu du FSA 2008 - 1er novembre 2008
Déclaration de la 7ème édition du Forum des Peuples - 9 juillet 2008
Appel à une journée mondiale de mobilisations et d’actions - le 26 janvier 2008 - 15 juin 2007
Call for Day of Action and Mobilisation - January 26th 2008 - 15 June 2007
Déclaration du forum de Sikasso 2007 - 7 juin 2007
6e édition du Forum des Peuples - 1er juin 2007

Voir également :

Sommets du G8 - G20 : Les peuples d’abord, pas la finance
Luttes des femmes : Rompons le Silence : Refusons les violences faites aux femmes !
Luttes des femmes : Déclaration finale du Forum des luttes féministes africaines
Migrations - Réfugié(e)s : Gorée 2011 : Le retour vers l’Humanité
Migrations - Réfugié(e)s : Appel à l’UE et au parlement européen pour la ratification de la Convention Internationale des droits des migrants et appel aux Etats maghrébins qui ont ratifié la convention à la respecter et la mettre en œuvre
République démocratique du Congo : La deuxième édition du Forum social congolais se tient à Lubumbashi du 26 au 29 juin 2009
Luttes des femmes : Déclaration de l’Assemblée des Femmes
Burkina Faso : Déclaration Finale de la Deuxième édition du Forum Social du Burkina
Mauritanie : Forum Social Mauritanien
Mauritanie : Charte du Forum social Mauritanien (FSMR)
Afrique Australe : SADC People’s Summit 2007
République démocratique du Congo : 1ère édition du forum social congolais : les engagements des mouvements sociaux
Mali : Déclaration de l’Association Malienne des Expulsés au Forum des Peuples de Sikasso
République démocratique du Congo : Première édition du Forum Social Congolais
Burkina Faso : Déclaration finale du Forum Social du Burkina

Site(s) web :

Forum social africain :
Les contributions du Forum des Peuples 2003 :
Les contributions du Forum des Peuples 2004 :
Rencontres de Niamey :
Forum des peuples :
Forum social de Bamako - janvier 2006 :
Pambazuka News at the World Social Forum :
Flamme d’Afrique - FSM 2007 :
Forum social ouest africain - 4e édition :
5e édition du Forum social africain - Niamey :
Forum social mondial 2011 - Dakar :
Forum Social Congolais :
Forum Social Sénégalais :
Forum social Ouest Africain - Cotonou 2005 :
Forum social du Burkina :
Forum social du Niger :
Kenya Social Forum :
Nigeria Social Forum :
Zimbabwe Social Forum :

Dernier(s) document(s) :

Vers le Forum Social Mondial 2011 de Dakar - Compte rendu de la réunion du Conseil du Forum Social Africain (Dakar, 14-15 novembre 2009) - 1 April 2010 (PDF - 171.6 kb)
Rapport narratif 5ème édition du Forum Social Africain - « l’Afrique des peuples en marche contre la mondialisation néolibérale » Niamey, Niger du 25 au 28 novembre 2008 - 1 June 2009 (PDF - 3.1 Mb)

Fourth Edition of the Africa Social Forum
Africa, the Cradle Humanity and the World’s Future
Conakry, December 1-5 2005

15 August 2005

In the spirit of the World Social Movement, Conakry will be hosting the Fourth Edition of the Africa Social Forum (ASF) December 1-5 2005, following on the previous editions in Bamako, Mali (2002), Adis Abeba, Ethiopia (2003) and Lusaka, Zambia, (2004).

The Africa Social Movement has grown considerably through the organisation of national and regional social fora throughout the Continent as well as an increasing participation on the part of Africans in the various World Social Fora. This dynamic has helped civil society heighten its awareness of the need to strengthen the independence of African countries as well as establish synergy and complementary actions on the part of the various movements towards the implementation of credible development policies.

The African continent is currently facing a number of difficulties be it on the economic, political or social level, which maintains it in a chronic state of underdevelopment. More than half of the African countries are ranked as being in the least advanced category. Economically, the implementation of severe macro-economic measures is causing more injustice and harm to the African populations. Parallel to this, the systematic pillage of natural resources and the flight of intellects are worsening the crisis and the progression of underdevelopment. Agricultural, trade or debt related issues remain unsolved at a time when free trade policies are being promoted by international financial institutions (WTO, IMF, World Bank etc.) as well as future APC-EU trade.

On a social level, with more than 52% of its population under the age of 35, the Continent is facing is coming up against serious problems related to justice, the degradation of traditional values of solidarity, identity crisis, causing increasing gaps within the social structure which are at the source of most conflicts. Furthermore, these conflicts added to a high rate of emigration, the escalade of HIV-AIDS and the overall degradation of the environment are all elements confronting the evolution of African civilisations today.

On the political front, even with the many efforts here and there towards democratization, African countries continue to pay a very high price for their bad governance. Attempts to democratize electoral systems are at a standstill in most African States, which has a negative influence on the different mechanisms used to access and exercise political power. Opposite to the recorded inefficiency of imposed values and regulations (i.e. poverty reduction strategies, structural adjustments etc.) we see the emergence of a need to identify endogenous solutions that require the africanization of certain concepts and certain principles such as democracy, good governance and conflict management.

This being said, Africa is also bursting with potential. On one hand, the Continent represents the world’s reserve in mining resources, a huge agricultural and environmental potential, a unique diversity of human expertise and a cultural heritage which finds its origin at the root of the history of man and of which many aspects have yet to be discovered. On the other hand, there are millions of people belonging to traditional and modern organizations, working together not only to fight poverty but also to preserve certain human values that lean towards sustainable development.

Indeed, at a time when the incredible technical and scientific progress we are witnessing has gone a deviated from its original mission which was to serve all mankind rather than a small minority, society has been cought up into a rat race based on the materialisation of human values which has ended up enslaving human beings.

The Forth Edition of the Africa Social Forum aims to make African development stakeholders more aware of the need to rectify the current situation and find ways to go about it in a collective manner. It will release new ideas and new strategies that promote a more just globalization while reviving and updating African values. A vision that will continue to grow at the World Social Forum in Kenya in 2007.


General Objective

- Define the basis for a political, economic, social and cultural rebirth of the Continent through the Africa Social Movement.

Expected Results

The Africa Social Forum will have:
- Contributed to a clearer vision of the present and the future through an overview of the history and values of the African continent.
- Highlighted the abundance of human creative potential on which can be built a new identity for the Continent
- Analysed current mecanisms of subservience and exploitation
- Encouraged synergies and complementary initiatives towards change
- Promoted and encouraged mobilisation around the Polycentric Social Forum of Bamako in 2006 and the World Social Forum in Naïrobi in 2007


The Forum will consist of:
- Conferences, workshops, seminars, roundtables
- Sub-regional and regional platforms
- A Youth Forum
- Women’s Tribunal
- Local Elected Forum
- Trade Union ForumForum des syndicats
- Farmers’ Forum
- Popular platforms
- Artistic and cultural events
- Exhibits

Themes and subjects of discussion :
- History of the Continent ;
- cultural identity ;
- regionalism ;
- integration ;
- religion ;
- communication ;
- economic globalization ;
- international politics ;
- trade issues and free trade areas ;
- rights and democracy ;
- governance ;
- agricultural issues ;
- health ;
- education ;
- environmental issues, security ;
- conflicts and peace ;
- art;
- etc.


The Forum is open to everyone who whish to participate.

Will be invited :
- Participants from African countries representing the main sectors
- African diaspora
- Regional and international institutions
- NGOs, Unions, Farmer’s organisations, women’s groups, youth organisations, human rights organisations, community organisations, artistic and cultural organisations, education organisations
- Local elected representratives
- Issues oriented networks
- Media
- Academics
- Leaders of opinion etc.


The Forth Edition of the Africa Social Forum is organized by the Africa Social Forum Council, the CECIDE (International Trade Centre for Development) and the Guinean National Council of Civil Society.

Contact : CECIDE Centre du Commerce international pour le Developpement, Bp 3768 Conakry Guinee - Tel : 224 467035/404599/213749 - e.mail: cecidegn chez yahoo point fr

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