lib	ration afrique
Solidarité internationale et luttes sociales en Afrique subsaharienne

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Dernière mise à jour : 19 septembre 2007


Voir également :

Habitat : Forced evictions reach crisis levels
Habitat : Les expulsions forcées atteignent un niveau critique
Afrique du Sud : Zimbabwean Migrants Vulnerable to Abuse
Habitat : A Joint Appeal to African Ministers on urban housing
Droits Humains - Démocratie : L’Union africaine doit se prononcer sur les graves violations des droits de l’Homme perpétrées sur le continent et exhorter les Etats à lutter contre leur impunité
Droits Humains - Démocratie : The African Union must speak out regarding the grave violations of human rights perpetuated on the Continent and must exhort the States to fight against impunity for these violations
Afrique Australe : Nothing natural about Southern Africa food crisis
Habitat : Les expulsions forcées : un scandale en termes de droits humains
Habitat : Forced evictions are a human rights scandal

Site(s) web :

Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) :
Kubatana - Zimbabwean Online Activist Community : :
Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development (Zimcodd) :
Zimbabwe Social Forum :
Zimbabwe National Students Union (ZINASU) :
Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition :

Document(s) :

The impact of "operation Murambatsuina / Restore Order” in Zimbabwe - A report by ActionAid International Southern African Partnership Programme - Zimbabwe - 27 août 2005 (PDF - 736.9 ko)
2004 Zimbabwe Social Forum report - - 1er décembre 2004 (PDF - 593.7 ko)
Onslaught against Human Rights dDefenders in Zimbabwe in 2002 - A report by Zimrights, in cooperation with the observatory for the protection of Human Rights Defenders. A joint program of the FIDH and the OMCT - février 2003 - février 2003 (PDF - 390.2 ko)

ZCTU General Council Comminique
We, the general council members of the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU), meeting at the Quality International Hotel in Harare today 24 February 2007 to, among other things, discuss the ultimatum issued by the General Council meeting of 27 January 2007 to the government that: [Lire]
- 24 February 2007

Teachers join national protest as inflation reaches 1600%
Tendai Chikowore, the ZIMTA president, issued circulars to all schools advising the 55,000 teachers represented by the union to strike with immediate effect. [Lire]
- 21 February 2007

French Trade Unions ensure a victory for the people of Zimbabwe
As Zimbabwe’s inflation rate reaches 1600%, as 294 women and children are arrested and detained on the streets of Bulawayo, and as President Robert Mugabe plans major and costly celebrations for his 83rd Birthday next week, Action for Southern Africa (ACTSA) today welcomed France’s back down in the face of a major campaign spearheaded by its own trade union movement to ensure it supports the renewal of EU sanctions on Zimbabwe, and exclude Mugabe and his cronies from this week’s Franco - Africa Summit. [Lire]
- 14 February 2007

The Last King Of Scotland parallels with modern day Zimbabwe
The blockbuster The Last King of Scotland has taken UK cinemas by storm over the last week due to its enthralling plot and enigmatic star Forest Whitaker as the tyrant Idi Amin. Set in 1970s Uganda, the realistic tale has brought to light a very vivid and troubling history of an African leader who went from being a man of the people to a vicious dictator. Although set in its own unique historical, political and social climate ; there are distinct similarities to be drawn between the past regime in Uganda and the current day crisis in Zimbabwe. [Lire]
- 31 janvier 2007

ZIMASCO arrests and fine
22 women were arrested on 15 January 2007 in Shurugwi for protesting against the poor salaries of their husbands working at ZIMASCO Mine, in the Midlands region of Zimbabwe. [Lire]
- 25 January 2007

La CSI et la CES appellent l’UE à maintenir les sanctions contre le gouvernement du Zimbabwe
Dans une lettre conjointe adressée aux Commissaires européens chargés des Relations extérieures, du Développement et de l’Aide humanitaire, la Confédération syndicale internationale (CSI) et la Confédération européenne des syndicats (CES) ont demandé à l’UE de ne pas lever ses « sanctions intelligentes » contre le gouvernement du Zimbabwe. [Lire]
- 21 décembre 2006

Government Intensifies Crackdown on Dissent
In reaction to a recent wave of protests against deteriorating social and economic conditions in the country, the Zimbabwean government has intensified its campaign to suppress peaceful dissent, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. [Lire]
- 5 November 2006

Defend the ZCTU, says COSATU
The Congress of South African Trade Unions strongly condemns the move by ZANU PF Member of Parliament, Leo Mugabe - nephew of President Robert Mugabe - to replace of leaders of the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU). [Lire]
- 31 October 2006

Journée internationale d’action syndicale pour le Zimbabwe
La Confédération internationale des syndicats libres (CISL), la Confédération mondiale du travail (CMT) et la Confédération européenne des syndicats (CES) font part de leur soutien ferme aux dirigeant(e)s et membres du Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU). Nous condamnons sans réserve les actes de brutalité gratuite auxquels les forces de police se sont livrées à l’encontre des militant(e)s du ZCTU à l’occasion des manifestations de protestation du 13 septembre. Nous dénonçons tout particulièrement les tortures planifiées et sans pitié dont été victimes 15 dirigeant(e)s et membres du ZCTU au poste de police de Matapi à Harare. [Lire]
- - 22 septembre 2006

International Day of Trade Union Action on Zimbabwe
The International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU), the World Confederation of Labour (WCL) and the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) express their firm support for the leaders and members of the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU). We strongly condemn the completely unwarranted police brutality against ZCTU activists in reaction to the protest demonstrations of September 13. We denounce in particular the planned and ruthless torture inflicted on 15 ZCTU leaders and activists at Harare’s Matapi Police Station. [Lire]
- - 22 September 2006

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A lire sur le web...

South Africa in Zimbabwe: The Vultures have descended - 4 October 2007 - By Shawn Hattingh - Periodically over the last seven years, the South African government has claimed to be on the verge of brokering a deal between ZANU-PF and the MDC that would secure Zimbabwe’s political future. During these fleeting moments, the hopes of millions of Zimbabweans have been raised; only to be repeatedly smashed. This is because at every critical point over the last seven years, when change seemed imminent in Zimbabwe, South Africa has backed and protected ZANU-PF. - Source : Centre for Civil Society
Pan Africanism and the Zimbabwe crisis - 12 September 2007 - By Rotimi Sankore - The Zimbabwean crisis is arguably the only ongoing crisis in which one side (the incumbent government) and its supporters have mobilised African support and silenced many by asserting more or less that its critics are sympathisers, supporters or agents of foreign interests and former colonial masters. - Source : Pambazuka News
Zimbabwe: Challenges for solidarity - 18 May 2007 - By Ronald Wesso - The Zimbabwean situation raises the importance of international solidarity to extraordinary levels. - Source : Pambazuka News
Zimbabwe: An End to the Stalemate? - 5 March 2007 - After years of political deadlock and continued economic and humanitarian decline, a realistic chance has at last begun to appear in the past few months to resolve the Zimbabwe crisis, by retirement of President Robert Mugabe, a power-sharing transitional government, a new constitution and elections. - Source : International Crisis Group
The social forum alternative in Zimbabwe, and Africa perhaps - 8 septembre 2005 - by Tinashe Chimedza - In one of many critical works that Raftopoulos and Phimister have published on Zimbabwe they brilliantly observe that, “one of the major problems in Zimbabwe has been the rupturing of relations between redistributive questions and political democratisation”. - Source : Centre for Civil Society
Fin de règne à Harare - septembre 2005 - Par Augusta Conchiglia - Des dizaines de milliers de Zimbabwéens se trouvent sans abri à la suite des démolitions administratives décidées en mai 2005. Populaire en raison de sa lutte contre la ségrégation raciale, le président Robert Mugabe s’enferme dans un autoritarisme destructeur, qu’illustre la brutale réforme agraire. - Source : Le Monde Diplomatique

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