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Kenya Human Rights Commission - KHRC

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Derniers articles :

Des milliers de personnes sont expulsées des forêts kenyanes - - - - 30 mai 2007
Thousands forcibly evicted from Kenya’s forests - - - - 30 May 2007
Les déplacements massifs de population résultent d’affrontements ethniques politiquement orchestrés - - - 3 mai 2007
Des milliers de réfugiés et de demandeurs d’asile somaliens sont privés du droit de chercher refuge - - 2 mai 2007
Thousands of Somali refugees and asylum-seekers denied refuge - - 2 mai 2007
Halte à la répression et à la violence policière du mouvement social au Kenya - - 14 mars 2007
Stop harassment, repression and police’s violences against the social movement in Nairobi - - 14 March 2007
Le gouvernement doit respecter le droit des réfugiés tel que défini par le droit international - - 15 janvier 2007
Government must respect the rights of refugees under international law - - 15 January 2007
Institutional Autonomy Under Threat - - 10 August 2006
An Appeal For Action Against John Michuki - - 16 May 2006
Civil Society Organisations Petition Regarding the Subject of Parliamentary Dictatorship - 12 May 2006

Voir également :

Somalie : People Fleeing Somalia War Secretly Detained
Forums sociaux : Résolutions du Forum social alternatif du Parlement du Peuple
Habitat : Forced evictions reach crisis levels
Habitat : Les expulsions forcées atteignent un niveau critique
Afrique de l’Est : Les défenseurs des droits humains créent un réseau de soutien à leurs collègues menacés
Afrique de l’Est : Human rights defenders form network of support for colleagues at risk
Habitat : A Joint Appeal to African Ministers on urban housing
Habitat : Les expulsions forcées : un scandale en termes de droits humains
Habitat : Forced evictions are a human rights scandal

Site(s) web :

Kenya Human Rights Commission :
EcoNews Africa :
Kenya Social Forum :
Kenya Land Alliance :
Coalition on Violence Against Women - Kenya :

Dernier(s) document(s) :

Impact of Agricultural Trade and Related Policy Reforms on Food Security in Kenya - Kenya Institute for Public Policy Discussion Paper N° 39 - 1 August 2005 (PDF - 353.9 kb)
HIPC Debt Relief and Sustainability: The Case of Kenya - by AFRODAD - 20 July 2005 (PDF - 369.5 kb)

Kenya Human Rights Commission against Minimum Constitutional Reforms

15 August 2006

The Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC) wholly rejects the emerging campaign for minimum constitutional reforms which is being pursued by some parliamentarians in anticipation of the 2007 General Elections.

The KHRC is profoundly concerned that this campaign is designed only to serve parochial political interests, in stark contrast to the determination, and the inviolable right, of all Kenyans to enjoy a genuinely democratic constitutional order. Kenyans must not wait and watch as the country’s political elite continues to misuse the constitution-making process as a bargaining chip in the pursuit of their own political machinations.

It is apparent that the varied proposals for minimum constitutional reforms are all simply constitutional devices required by undemocratic, self-serving elites within the ruling coalition, and the opposition, to dominate the Kenyan State in the post-2007 era. Certainly, the proposed reforms seek only to resolve the problem of power-sharing in the run-up to, and after, the 2007 elections, while also facilitating an appropriate political and legal environment in which either faction can deploy its unique ethnic and regional support bases to dominate the State.

It is glaring that the proposals for minimum constitutional reforms contain no credible references to the vital issues of governance, accountability and human rights that have been the focal points of the long, painful struggle for democratic reforms in Kenya . At this point in our history, Kenyans will do well to recall the set-back to democratic reforms which was occasioned by the hollow, politically-inspired Inter-Parties’ Parliamentary Group (IPPG) minimum constitutional reforms package of 1997. It should be clear that these minimal reforms have had no measurable impact on the state of democracy because they were conceived to serve narrow political interests. Today, the spirit guiding the clamor for minimum reforms is no different. Moreover, the central actors are the same individuals and political parties which short-changed Kenyans in 1997.

The KHRC holds the conviction that the review and enactment of a democratic constitution for Kenya is an urgent national priority which cannot be pegged to a transient, political event such as the anticipated elections of December 2007. Kenyans must demand that the country’s political elite delivers comprehensive, democratic constitutional reforms, whether before or after the 2007 elections. Consequently, the KHRC appeals to all Kenyans to utterly reject any debate or dialogue on minimum constitutional reforms.

The KHRC will continue to offer the necessary leadership to ensure that all stakeholders of good faith engage in a process of dialogue which is aimed at creating a legal framework to guarantee that the State, whether now or in the post-2007 period, will be duty-bound to enact a new, democratic constitution that reflects the wishes of Kenyans on how they want to be governed.

Mwambi Mwasaru, Ag. Executive Director

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