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Kenya Human Rights Commission - KHRC

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Derniers articles :

Des milliers de personnes sont expulsées des forêts kenyanes - - - - 30 mai 2007
Thousands forcibly evicted from Kenya’s forests - - - - 30 May 2007
Les déplacements massifs de population résultent d’affrontements ethniques politiquement orchestrés - - - 3 mai 2007
Des milliers de réfugiés et de demandeurs d’asile somaliens sont privés du droit de chercher refuge - - 2 mai 2007
Halte à la répression et à la violence policière du mouvement social au Kenya - - 14 mars 2007
Stop harassment, repression and police’s violences against the social movement in Nairobi - - 14 March 2007
Le gouvernement doit respecter le droit des réfugiés tel que défini par le droit international - - 15 janvier 2007
Government must respect the rights of refugees under international law - - 15 January 2007
Kenya Human Rights Commission against Minimum Constitutional Reforms - - 15 August 2006
Institutional Autonomy Under Threat - - 10 August 2006
An Appeal For Action Against John Michuki - - 16 May 2006
Civil Society Organisations Petition Regarding the Subject of Parliamentary Dictatorship - 12 May 2006

Voir également :

Somalie : People Fleeing Somalia War Secretly Detained
Forums sociaux : Résolutions du Forum social alternatif du Parlement du Peuple
Habitat : Forced evictions reach crisis levels
Habitat : Les expulsions forcées atteignent un niveau critique
Afrique de l’Est : Les défenseurs des droits humains créent un réseau de soutien à leurs collègues menacés
Afrique de l’Est : Human rights defenders form network of support for colleagues at risk
Habitat : A Joint Appeal to African Ministers on urban housing
Habitat : Les expulsions forcées : un scandale en termes de droits humains
Habitat : Forced evictions are a human rights scandal

Site(s) web :

Kenya Human Rights Commission :
EcoNews Africa :
Kenya Social Forum :
Kenya Land Alliance :
Coalition on Violence Against Women - Kenya :

Dernier(s) document(s) :

Impact of Agricultural Trade and Related Policy Reforms on Food Security in Kenya - Kenya Institute for Public Policy Discussion Paper N° 39 - 1er août 2005 (PDF - 353.9 ko)
HIPC Debt Relief and Sustainability : The Case of Kenya - by AFRODAD - 20 juillet 2005 (PDF - 369.5 ko)

Thousands of Somali refugees and asylum-seekers denied refuge

2 mai 2007

Amnesty International is deeply concerned at the continued closure since 3 January 2007 of the Kenya-Somalia border and called on the government of Kenya to immediately re-open the border and permit those fleeing conflict in Somalia to seek refuge.

The organization today released a report, Denied refuge : The effect of the closure of the Kenya/Somali border on thousands of Somali asylum-seekers and refugees following a research mission to Kenya in March 2007, which included an assessment of the impact of the border closure on the human rights of Somali asylum-seekers and refugees.

The report highlights the violations of the rights of thousands of Somali nationals to seek asylum by crossing into Kenya and the risks faced by hundreds of asylum-seekers forcibly returned to Somalia after 3 January. It also notes the difficulties faced by those who managed to cross into Kenya after the border closure. The border closure has also restricted humanitarian access to internally displaced persons (IDPs) on the Somali side of the border.

The right to seek international protection in another country is enshrined in international law. The Kenyan government, in denying asylum seekers access to its territory and to fair and effective asylum procedures, is violating its own national and international law obligations.

Amnesty International is deeply concerned that the Kenyan government’s decision to close its border with Somalia violates its own Refugee Act of 2006, the UN Refugee Convention, the OAU Refugee Convention and other international human rights law treaties to which Kenya is party, and has contributed to increased abuses of the human rights of those fleeing Somalia.

Amnesty International urgently calls on the Kenyan government to :

- re-open its border with Somalia in order to allow entry to all individuals fleeing the conflict inside Somalia and seeking international protection in Kenya, in line with its obligations under international and its national law ;

- ensure that all individuals seeking refuge in Kenya have access to effective protection through either a group determination process, or to a fair and satisfactory individualised asylum procedure, with due observance of procedural safeguards, including inter alia a personal interview with the effective right of appeal against a rejection ;

- instruct and train all relevant border officials, including security personnel, on their duty to respect the principle of non-refoulement (which prohibits the return in any manner whatsoever of any person to a situation where s/he would be a risk of torture, persecution or other forms of ill-treatment or punishment) and the duty not to reject an asylum claim without reference to the relevant authorities ;

- allow the UNHCR and other humanitarian agencies to deliver aid and other humanitarian assistance to all asylum-seekers regardless of their date of arrival into Kenya ;

- allow humanitarian assistance across the border to IDPs on a regular, predictable and safe basis ;

- ensure that no asylum-seeker is forcibly returned to Somalia where his or her life or freedom would be threatened or where he or she might be at risk of serious human rights violations.


The Kenyan government announced the closure of the Kenya-Somali border on 3 January 2007 following the resurgence of armed conflict between the Ethiopia-backed Somali Transitional National Government fighters and Council of Somali Islamic Courts (COSIC) fighters in the beginning of January 2007. The Kenyan government announced that it had closed the border in order to stop the movement of COSIC fighters into Kenya.

For additional information on Amnesty International’s work on the protection and promotion of refugees, IDPs and other displaced persons please visit :

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