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Kenya Human Rights Commission - KHRC

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de Libération Afrique

Derniers articles :

Des milliers de personnes sont expulsées des forêts kenyanes - - - - 30 mai 2007
Thousands forcibly evicted from Kenya’s forests - - - - 30 May 2007
Les déplacements massifs de population résultent d’affrontements ethniques politiquement orchestrés - - - 3 mai 2007
Des milliers de réfugiés et de demandeurs d’asile somaliens sont privés du droit de chercher refuge - - 2 mai 2007
Thousands of Somali refugees and asylum-seekers denied refuge - - 2 mai 2007
Halte à la répression et à la violence policière du mouvement social au Kenya - - 14 mars 2007
Le gouvernement doit respecter le droit des réfugiés tel que défini par le droit international - - 15 janvier 2007
Government must respect the rights of refugees under international law - - 15 January 2007
Kenya Human Rights Commission against Minimum Constitutional Reforms - - 15 August 2006
Institutional Autonomy Under Threat - - 10 August 2006
An Appeal For Action Against John Michuki - - 16 May 2006
Civil Society Organisations Petition Regarding the Subject of Parliamentary Dictatorship - 12 May 2006

Voir également :

Somalie : People Fleeing Somalia War Secretly Detained
Forums sociaux : Résolutions du Forum social alternatif du Parlement du Peuple
Habitat : Forced evictions reach crisis levels
Habitat : Les expulsions forcées atteignent un niveau critique
Afrique de l’Est : Les défenseurs des droits humains créent un réseau de soutien à leurs collègues menacés
Afrique de l’Est : Human rights defenders form network of support for colleagues at risk
Habitat : A Joint Appeal to African Ministers on urban housing
Habitat : Les expulsions forcées : un scandale en termes de droits humains
Habitat : Forced evictions are a human rights scandal

Site(s) web :

Kenya Human Rights Commission :
EcoNews Africa :
Kenya Social Forum :
Kenya Land Alliance :
Coalition on Violence Against Women - Kenya :

Dernier(s) document(s) :

Impact of Agricultural Trade and Related Policy Reforms on Food Security in Kenya - Kenya Institute for Public Policy Discussion Paper N° 39 - 1 August 2005 (PDF - 353.9 kb)
HIPC Debt Relief and Sustainability: The Case of Kenya - by AFRODAD - 20 July 2005 (PDF - 369.5 kb)

Stop harassment, repression and police’s violences against the social movement in Nairobi
27 members of People’s Parliament (Bunge la Mwananchi) are in custody charged with « obstruction of Justice » and « malicious damage to property » - 5 wounde, 3 hospitalized - Right to assemble denied.

14 March 2007

Saturday 10 march 2007 in the afternoon, 56 members of People’s Parliament (a Kenyan people’s initiative) were beaten and arrested in Jeveejanjee’s Gardens by numerous police forces. 5 of them were wounded, three more seriously. One of them at least was only transferred to hospital more than 24 hours later.

For the last 15 years the People’s Parliament has been meeting everyday at the park to discuss social issues, including from the point of views of the poorest, in a country suffering intolerable social inequalities. People’s Parliament became worlwide famous for their commitement to free access for Kenyan peoples to the recent World Social Forum in Nairobi. In the weeks following the WSF, two PP’s members had been arrested and finally released. There was a real fear that the government of M. MWAI KIBAKI would put pression against opposition in the perspective of forthcoming presidential pool next december.

On Monday 12, 27 PP’s members were arraigned in court (exception of three of them who are at the hospital) and charged with obstruction of justice and malicious damage. They are now in custody and can’t afford a 3 000 KS (43 USD) bond to be released.

In the same time, on Sunday 11 which is public holiday, the Nairobi City Council closed public access to Jeevenjee’s Gardens and engaged into public works. These public works are supposed to be part of a « revitalization project » for Jeevanjee’s Gardens supported by UN-HABITAT under the guise of the Safer cities Initiative.

The NO-VOX network is supporting People’s Parliament and condemns strongly the acts of repression againts its members. We demand :

- Immediate release of all prisonners and withdrawal of charges ;

- Immediate arraignment of the Nairobi City Council Officers who were responsible for beating and injuring 5 members of People’s Parliament ;

- That the Kenyan government puts immediately an end to the concerted effort to harrass members of People’s Parliament and guarantees constitutionnal rights and particulary Right to assemble ;

- Immediate cease of the public works at Jeevanjee’s Gardens and United Nations pressure on the Nairobi City Council in that direction ;

- Immediate clarification of the UN-Habitat Jeevanjee’s revitalization’s project, which is supposed to be the result of a « participatory process » which is still to be implemented.

- HON. MUSIKARI KOMBO, Minister, Local government - FAX: +254 20 337 960 and : [email protected]

First signatures : IPAM Network - Initiatives For Another World, No-Vox network, APEIS - movement for unemployement, information and solidarity , AC ! - Action against Unemployement, DAL - Right to Housing, CDSL - Local Movement of homeless, Right to Peasant, Dd !! - Front of Rights !!,

SEND YOUR SIGNATURES UNTIL THE 15th OF MARCH, AT 12am TO: contact chez point org

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