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Solidarité internationale et luttes sociales en Afrique subsaharienne

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Privatisations - Services publics

South Africa - Anti-privatisation forum

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de Libération Afrique

Derniers articles :

9 out of 10 World Bank poverty reduction programmes demand privatisation - - 19 September 2005
Setbacks to privatisations across Africa - - 13 June 2005
UK takes ’significant step forward’ to delinking aid and privatisation - - 5 March 2005

Voir également :

République démocratique du Congo : 1ère édition du forum social congolais : les engagements des mouvements sociaux
Afrique du Sud : Declaration of the Civil Society Jobs and Poverty Conference
Afrique du Sud : Statement by all public sector unions
FMI et Banque mondiale : Ne financez plus la pauvreté !
FMI et Banque mondiale : Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
Afrique du Sud : COSATU North West condemns casualisation and victimisation of workers by municipalities and districts
Afrique du Sud : COSATU’s response to President Thabo Mbeki’s State of the Nation Speech
Eau : African coalition rejects water privatisation
Mali : La Cour suprême dénie la justice
FMI et Banque mondiale : Civil Society call for end to economic policy conditionality
Nigeria : Mass sack of 500,000 workers
Nigeria : Press Statement By The Strategic Committee Of The NLC on Privatisation and Concessioning
Mali : Halte à la tentative de décapiter le syndicat SYTRAIL
Afrique du Sud : Orange Farm Water Crisis Committee Blockades The Golden Highway Again
Afrique du Sud : Tactics of the Apartheid State Police still continues

Site(s) web :

Coopération Solidarité développement aux PTT :
Public Services International Research Unit :
Anti -privatisation forum :
Collectif Citoyen pour la Restitution et le Développement Intégré du Rail :
Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) :
Ghana National Coalition against the Privatisation of Water - NCAP :
Integrated Social Development Center (ISODEC) :
Mine Watch Zambia :
Water Justice :

Dernier(s) document(s) :

Pipe dreams - The failure of the private sector to invest in water services in developing countries - By PSI and World Development Movement - 21 March 2006 (PDF - 278.3 kb)

Confronting the Challenge:
Resisting Privatisation of Resources and Services

18 July 2005

We the participants from various social movements, civil society groups, trade unions and political parties are deeply engaged in challenging and resisting the onslaught of neoliberal globalization. Privatization of basic services and natural resources, one of the major policies of the neoliberal agenda, is being relentlessly promoted and imposed in many countries. The transfer of control of basic services from national governments to private providers especially big national and international corporations is a deliberate erosion of national sovereignty, human rights, and the quality of people’s lives.

It takes away what little access the poor women, men and children have to basic services and resources. It separates those who can pay for services and those who cannot. It leads to deepening poverty, the increased discrimination and social exclusion of women and marginalized communities, and the destruction of the environment.

Privatization of basic services is an abdication of responsibility by all levels of governments, and surrender to national and international corporations and private providers that do not recognize social responsibility nor accountability to people and communities.

There is overwhelming evidence that social progress has slowed down since the adoption of structural adjustment and privatization policies. We urge governments to acknowledge this, and undertake further gender impact assessments.

We remind governments that the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals requires investment in rights and quality public services and is impossible under the neoliberal paradigm and policies.

We call on Governments to:

- Restore and uphold rights of citizens and communities to control and access natural resources and basic services.

- Stop corporatization and privatization of basic services such as health, education, welfare, electricity, housing, water and sanitation, and natural resources such as land, water, forests.

- Ensure that multilateral trade agreements are consistent with international human rights commitments and treaty obligations.

- Not to enter into bilateral or multilateral trade and investment agreements that grant local and foreign investors rights (including the right to sue the state at international tribunals) without any matching obligations.

- Enact and enforce laws on peoples’ right to information.

Further, we urge governments not to close down but instead further expand the critical political space for developing and demonstrating alternatives that restore and uphold rights of citizens and communities, including women, to access to and control of natural resources and basic services

We call upon the International Financial Institutions and the Governments that dominate these institutions to:

- Stop privatization and liberalization of services, de-regulation of natural resources, and trade liberalization using the instruments of aid, trade and debt.

- Undertake total and unconditional cancellation of debt of developing countries.

- Provide untied grant aid for basic services

We urge civil society organizations, social movements and people’s movements to actively fight for these demands. One immediate step is for likeminded groups to come together and launch-or consolidate- actions and initiatives targeted at all Governments and IFIs on our positions and demands.

Endorsed by: Ashok Chaudhary, National Forum for Forest Workers / P Chenniah, National Alliance of Peoples Movements, India / Hari Prasad Parajuli, All Nepal Peasants Union, Nepal / Amitabh Behar, NCAS, India / Lidy Nacpil, Jubilee South Philippines / Dohye KIM, CCEJ, Korea / Kiyotaka Takahashi, JVC, Japan / Thomas DEVE, MWENGO Zimbabwe / Roberto Bissio, Social Watch, Urugauy / Idisha Chengu, MWENGO Zimbabwe / Alejandra Scampini, REPEM, DAWN Urguay / Minar Pimple, PDHRE USA-India / Wendy Caird, PSI Australia / Achim Chaiji, Civil Society Campaign on MDG Kenya / Nancy Alexander, Citizens Network for Essential Services USA / Ziad Abdel Samad, Arab Ngo Network, ANDD Lebanon / Hellen Tombo, KYCEP Kenya / Rezaul Karim Chawdhry, Campaign for Good Governance Bangladesh / Zie Garriyo, Uganda Debt Network Uganda / Tam Chuen Yin, HKCTU, HKPA Hong Kong / Farooq Tariq, Pakistan Labour Party / Chris Greacen, Palang Thai Thailand / Lutfiyah Hanim, Institution for Global Justice / Tri Heru Wardoyo, Asian Farmers Association fo Sustainable Rural Development, Philippined-Indonesia / Tirivangani Mutazu, AFRODAD Zimbabwe / Nguon Serath, Club of Cambodian Journalists Cambodia / Linus Jayatilake, MONLAR Srilanka / Lucia Fry, GCE UK / Junya Lek Yimprasert, Thai Labour Campaign Thailand / Dorothy-Grace Guerrero, FOCUS on Global South Philipines-Thailand / Basudeve Neupane, GCAP Asia Nepal / Ramesh Singh, ActionAid International South Africa / Keshav Gautam, ActionAid International Cambodia / John Samuel, ActionAid International India / Sandeep Chachra, ActionAid International India / Brian Kagoro, ActionAid International Africa / Moussa Faye, ActionAid International Senegal / David Mwangangi, ActionAid International Kenya

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