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Derniers articles :

1947 - 2007 : histoire et mémoire, l’affaire de Madagascar - - 19 octobre 2007
Absence de dialogue sur le projet minier de Rio Tinto à Fort-Dauphin - - 30 juin 2007
Déclaration commune des organisations syndicales malgaches sur les dispositions sociales des projets de lois sur les investissements à Madagascar et sur les Zones et Entreprises Franches - 29 juin 2007
Communiqué de la FI.SE.MA. sur le référendum constitutionnel - - 24 mars 2007
Forum Madagascar sur la souveraineté alimentaire - - 1er novembre 2006
Présidentielles à hauts risques, veille citoyenne à renforcer - - 12 octobre 2006
Communiqué conjoint des centrales syndicales malgaches sur la lutte contre la pauvreté, l’IPPTE et la dette - - 1er décembre 2005
Investissement de Rio Tinto à Madagascar - - 2 septembre 2005
Poursuivre un travail de mémoire qui retrace les faits et puisse apaiser les cœurs - - 26 juillet 2005
Communiqué de la FISEMA sur l’annulation de la dette et la réduction de la pauvreté - - 9 juillet 2005
Résolutions de la Conférence Nationale Unique (CNU) - 4 juin 2005
Résolutions adoptées par le IXe congrès de la FISEMA - - 2 mai 2005

Voir également :

Dette : Dette des pays pauvres : la trahison du FMI

Site(s) web :

Consortium de Solidarité avec Madagascar :

Rio Tinto’s Madagascar Mine to Go Ahead

3 August 2005

Friends of the Earth said it was extremely disappointed by Rio Tinto’s decision, announced today (Wednesday), to go ahead with an titanium dioxide mine on the island of Madagascar. Campaigners objected to the mine which will damage the unique biodiversity of the island and do little to benefit local people.

Today’s announcement gave approval for development of the mine near Fort Dauphin on the south-east coast of Madagascar, with production expected to start in 2008. The project, managed by a Rio Tinto subsidiary QIT Madagascar Minerals (QMM), would involve removing coastal forest to extract titanium dioxide, a mineral used to produce white pigment for paints, plastics and paper.

The decision comes 10 years after Friends of the Earth’s then Campaigns Director, Andrew Lees, died while investigating proposals for the controversial mine. Andrew was found in the forest having collapsed and died from heat stroke.

Madagascar has a unique and rich variety of flora and fauna - of its estimated 200,000 plant and animal species, three quarters exist nowhere else in the world. Friends of the Earth is concerned by the impact on biodiversity - as well as its impact on freshwater resources, and tourism.

Friends of the Earth Executive Director Tony Juniper said:

This is a very sad day and very bad news for the people of Madagascar. This mine will not solve the terrible problems of poverty on the island, but will damage its precious biodiversity. Rio Tinto is exploiting natural resources in the developing world and once again, it is the local people who will pay the price. It is time international laws were introduced to protect the interests of people and the environment. It is clear that companies cannot be trusted to do so.”

The Government of Madagascar has agreed to contribute US$35 million to the establishment of the port, as part of its Growth Poles Project funded by the World Bank.

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