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FMI et Banque mondiale

60 Years of Destruction - Time to retire! - 50 Years Is Enough

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Derniers articles :

Après l’élection de Dominique Strauss-Kahn à la direction du FMI, le CADTM dénonce une mascarade électorale - - 28 septembre 2007
Groups urge World Bank to strengthen guidelines for controversial mining projects - 6 September 2007
Le FMI brûle, l’Europe regarde ailleurs - - 11 juillet 2007
Le CADTM réclame des choix radicalement différents pour le FMI et rejette tout directeur général qui poursuivrait l’action actuelle - - 11 juillet 2007
Le CADTM juge grotesque le remplacement de Wolfowitz par Zoellick et exige l’abolition de la Banque mondiale - - 31 mai 2007
Ne financez plus la pauvreté ! - 14 mars 2007
Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is - 14 March 2007
The only condition is no condition - - 1 December 2006
Civil Society call for end to economic policy conditionality - 23 November 2006
Le CADTM juge inconsistante la réforme des droits de vote proposée par le staff du FMI - - 16 septembre 2006
La Banque mondiale publie un rapport prônant l’élimination de la protection des travailleurs - - 6 septembre 2006
World Bank publication promotes elimination of worker protection - - 6 September 2006

Voir également :

Dette : Le CADTM appelle à la mise en place d’audits de la dette pour lutter contre les fonds vautours
Libéria : IMF Failing Liberia
République démocratique du Congo : la Banque mondiale finance une entreprise impliquée dans l’exploitation illégale de la forêt
République démocratique du Congo : 1ère édition du forum social congolais : les engagements des mouvements sociaux
Forums sociaux : Déclaration du forum de Sikasso 2007
République démocratique du Congo : Greenpeace exposes that logging in the Congo rainforest is out of control
République démocratique du Congo : Industrie forestière hors contrôle en RDC, la Banque mondiale mise au défi d’arrêter le pillage
République démocratique du Congo : Le CADTM s’insurge contre la venue de Paul Wolfowitz et Louis Michel en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC)
Libéria : CEDE, AFRODAD et EURODAD demandent l’annulation immédiate de la dette du Libéria
Dette : Déclaration sur la dette, Forum social de Nairobi, Kenya
Dette : Declaration On Debt, World Social Forum in Nairobi, Kenya
Nigeria : Les millions d’Abacha : la Banque mondiale confirme les critiques des ONG
Nigeria : Les millions du clan Abacha gaspillés
Dette : New and old loans in Africa - what role for Parliamentarians?
Libéria : Africa Action Calls on World Bank to Cancel Liberia’s Debt

Site(s) web :

50 Years Is Enough Network :
Bretton Woods Projet :
Halifax Initiative :
World Bank Campaign Europe :
African Forum and Network on Debt and Development (AFRODAD) :
Alternative Information and Development Centre (AIDC) :
Jubilee South :

Dernier(s) document(s) :

Confronting the Contradictions: The case against the IMF on education - By Actionaid - 27 April 2007 (PDF - 913.1 kb)
Assessing the Impact of the PRGF on Social Services in Selected African Countries - A Synthesis Report on Ethiopia, Malawi, Zambia and Tanzania by Afrodad - 20 April 2006 (PDF - 292.4 kb)
Blocking Progress - How the Fight against HIV/AIIDS is Being Undermined by the World Bank and Interrnational Monetary Fund - A Policy Briefing by ActionAid Interrnational USA, Global AIDS Alliance, Student Global AIDS Campaign and RESULTS Educational Fund - 18 August 2005 (PDF - 674.4 kb)

Annual World Bank and IMF Meetings Close Under Heavy Criticism
International Financial Institutions Under Fire with Regard to Developing Country Voting Rights and Civil Society Repression

22 September 2006

As the annual World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) meetings closed under heavy fire, both from within and from civil society activists, Africa Action today condemned the undemocratic nature and harmful policies of these institutions. The organization underscored that the countries most affected by World Bank and IMF policies, particularly the debt-burdened countries of Africa, must have a greater say within the international financial institutions.

This week, the IMF re-organized the system of voting rights, increasing the voting power of China, Mexico, South Korea and Turkey, and the World Bank indicated that it would also be willing to consider a similar shift. But Africa Action notes that while developing country finance ministers and civil society from around the world have pushed for a more representative voting structure, these latest minor changes still leave power disproportionately concentrated in the hands of the wealthiest nations.

Ann-Louise Colgan, Acting Co-Executive Director of Africa Action, said today, "The World Bank and IMF persist in ignoring the priorities of the developing world, and African countries continue to pay the price. The decisions made by these institutions have long-lasting effects on African countries, and yet there is little opportunity to hold them accountable. As a result, Africa’s illegitimate debt burden remains at overwhelming levels, and the World Bank and IMF continue to impose unfair conditions on Africa’s economies."

The latest World Bank and IMF focus on anti-corruption has raised concerns that these priorities will overshadow other efforts on debt cancellation and poverty relief. Africa Action also notes that the corruption of the international financial institutions themselves must be tackled in this context. In addition, the institutions’ statements on the importance of good governance came into stark contrast this week, as the world witnessed the repressive treatment of civil society activists by the Singapore government.

Marie Clarke Brill, Acting Co-Executive Director of Africa Action, said today, "In reaction to the exclusion of some activists considered threats by the government of Singapore, civil society groups organized a boycott of the official annual meetings. This boycott highlighted the gap between World Bank and IMF professed concerns and their actual priorities. Meanwhile, an alternative civil society conference held on the island of Batam in Indonesia clearly demonstrated the focus and solidarity of movements around the world seeking a more just global economic system."

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