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Derniers articles :

Déforestation alarmante, tragique inaction ! - - 15 mars 2007
Regional Conference On Biosafety - - 29 November 2006
Resolution of FoEI Conference on Climate Change - - - 2 October 2006
Les syndicats et les ONG demandent que les Critères de production durable pour l’huile de palme n’autorisent pas les pesticides hautement toxiques - - - 17 novembre 2005

Voir également :

FMI et Banque mondiale : Groups urge World Bank to strengthen guidelines for controversial mining projects
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République démocratique du Congo : 1ère édition du forum social congolais : les engagements des mouvements sociaux
Nigeria : Chevron’s nigeria pipeline under investigation
Sommet du G8 : De « nouvelles » annonces pour camoufler l’échec global du sommet
Sommet du G8 : G8 miss mark as ’new’ announcements disguise overall failure
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République démocratique du Congo : Greenpeace exposes that logging in the Congo rainforest is out of control
République démocratique du Congo : Industrie forestière hors contrôle en RDC, la Banque mondiale mise au défi d’arrêter le pillage
FMI et Banque mondiale : Ne financez plus la pauvreté !
FMI et Banque mondiale : Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
République démocratique du Congo : Greenpeace dénonce l’exploitation illégale du bois en RDC
Côte d’Ivoire : Affaire des déchets toxiques : une transaction au détriment de la justice et de la réparation pour les victimes
Cameroun : Une fuite déclarée sur le terminal marin de l’oléoduc Tchad-Cameroun

Site(s) web :

Friends of the Earth International :
Pesticide Action Network Africa (PAN Africa) :
Pambazuka News - Environment :
Greenpeace :
Forêts du Congo - Greenpeace :
African Network for Environment and Economic Justice :
Biowatch South Africa :
Centre pour l’Environnement et le Développement :
Earth Life Africa :
EcoNews Africa :
Ecological Debt :
Environmental Rights Action - Friends of the Earth Nigeria (ERA) :
Forests Monitor :
Friends of the Earth Ghana :
Friends of the Earth International :
Groundwork - Environmental Justice Group :
Groupe de Recherches Alternatives et de Monitoring du projet Pétrole Tchad- Cameroun :
Lawyers’ Environmental Action Team (LEAT) :

Dernier(s) document(s) :

Réforme du secteur forestier : échec au cameroun, pillage annoncé en RDC - Par Greenpeace - 10 March 2007 (PDF - 471 kb)

Unions, NGOs call for Changes to Industry-Sponsored Criteria for Sustainable Palm Oil Authorizing Highly Toxic Pesticides

17 November 2005

The IUF and the Berne Declaration are calling for fundamental changes to proposed ’Principles and Criteria for Sustainable Palm Oil Production’ which permit the use of highly toxic pesticides that are extremely harmful to human health and the environment. In their current form, the criteria ensure the interests of the pesticide industry - co-sponsors of the initiative - rather than the health of palm oil plantation workers. They will not encourage sustainable production and must therefore be revised.

Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), initiated by WWF and supported by several producers, retailers and other stakeholders, is set to discuss criteria for sustainable palm oil production at a meeting in Singapore later this month. But the draft proposal, while requiring producers to look for alternatives to pesticides designated as class-1-toxins, ultimately does not ban the use of these substances. In its current form, the proposal also permits the continued use of paraquat, a full-range herbicide widely used on palm oil plantations and known to poison thousands of plantation workers and small farmers every year. Paraquat is responsible for a substantial number of the tens of thousands of annual pesticide-related deaths. Once absorbed through the skin or lungs or orally ingested, its effects are irreversible. Several countries have already banned the substance, with the latest ban set to take effect in Malaysia in 2007.

Agricultural workers’ unions across the world, headed by the International Union of Food and Agricultural Workers (IUF), have been calling for a paraquat ban for years. “There is no room for Paraquat in a socially and environmentally sustainable agriculture”, declared IUF- General Secretary Ron Oswald. All known labels and criteria in the agricultural sector that certify sustainable production are taking the concerns of workers more seriously and have explicitly ruled out the use of the most highly toxic pesticides including paraquat. The Fair Trade Labelling Organisation (FLO), the Rainforest Alliance (which certifies Chiquita Brands), the Forest Steward Ship Council, and the recently launched Common Code for the Coffee Community have all concluded that the use of paraquat is incompatible with sustainable production.

Yet the criteria for sustainable palm oil do not reflect these concerns about paraquat in any way. No other label is as weak on pesticide criteria as the new Palm Oil Principles and Criteria. One reason for this might be RSPO’s link to the agro-chemical industry. After all, the official dinner at the RSPO-meeting in Singapore is sponsored by none other than the Syngenta Corporation, the world’s leading manufacturer of paraquat. While it may be bad manners to bite the hand that feeds you, the participants of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil must decide whose interests they are going to serve: those of the pesticide industry or those of the plantation workers for whom only a paraquat-free production is truly sustainable.

The International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers’ Associations (IUF) is an international trade union federation composed of 353 trade unions in 125 countries with an affiliated membership of over 2.7 million members. It is based in Geneva, Switzerland. Contact: Sue Longley or Peter Rossman - 8 Rampe du Pont Rouge, Petit Lancy, CH-1213 Geneva - Tel: +41 22 793 22 33; Fax: +41 22 793 22 38.

The Berne Declaration is a Swiss non-governmental organization with 19’000 members. Through research, public education and advocacy work, it has promoted more equitable, sustainable and democratic North-South relations since 1968. Contact: François Meienberg - Quellenstrasse 25, po box, CH-8031 Zürich - Tel: +41 1 277 70 00; Fax: +41 1 277 70 01.

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